The Four Worlds International Institute

This a space to share and discuss Prophecies, Dreams and Visions of all Spiritual Traditions, Prophets,Dreamers, Visionaries and People (including yourself )

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Carol -- thank you so much for sharing this with us. The image of the crop circle is stunning, may we have your permission to use it in other places on the site?
Topic: SOLUTIONS TO THE CHALLENGES: By permission, I offer Silversong's Story of Honor Day and the Honor Way to inspire and demonstrate how someone just like us, could identify a challenge, develop and act on a dream of how to solve it. She believes that WE are the generation as mentioned in the prophecy, who will see all these converging challenges, and will see our children suffering and will be the ones to bring back the Native HONOR WAY to all people and the earth.

Starting when she was a child, Silversong noticed the challenges you outlined and asked her elders the underlying questions, Why aren't people nice to each other? and What’s missing to build a life
we love in a world we love to live in?
: In almost every conversation that I remember, HONOR was mentioned as what was missing."

We ALL areTHE GENERATION! So we warmly invite you to being part of the solution by bringing back the Native HONOR WAY in your lives, support HONOR DAY and please join our gathering at the Aug 22 HONOR CIRCLE GATHERING
The Story of Honor Day and the Honor Way by Silversong

In my birthplace of Alberta, Canada in 1944, there was only one minority group ‐
Native Indians. We were expected to assimilate into the white culture and abandon
our origins and our people in order to succeed. When quite young I became aware of
two distinctive aspects of life ‐ the physical world we see, and the creative power of
unseen forces: love, thought, intent, and vision. I saw that Native awareness of the
unseen forces could be lost through assimilation, so I committed to learning and
applying the Native's way to keep the two worlds in balance. I did not want to lose
the Native tradition, but to find out how to do all I could to preserve the Natural
Some of the primary traditions of North American Native Indians are honoring,
humility, giving, gratitude, and having a vision for future generations. This is a way
of life that is in harmony with all forms of life: other people, future generations,
animals, birds, insects, trees and plants, rocks and the earth, sky, sun and moon. We
are connected to all these other aspects of Creation. All of Creation are worthy of
Honor because we all share a common kinship within the Hoop of Life.

Honoring, is acting with deep caring, respect and compassion toward our selves and
for all other beings on the planet, for future generations, and for the earth. We are a
part of it all. For Native peoples honoring is central to our way of life and our
ceremonies. We have traditions, prophecies, stories and songs about the Honor Way
and honoring.

My research has been through oral tradition with Elders, Medicine People, teachers,
leaders and artists for over 45 years. Since I was a child, I was always asking them
questions like, "Why aren't people nice to each other?" and "What’s missing to build a life
we love in a world we love to live in?". In almost every conversation that I remember,
HONOR was mentioned as what was missing.

The Elders said that in the modern world they noticed that the Honor Way was not
used. They noticed a lack of Honor for our selves, for women, for Mother Earth, for
animals, for plants, for each other, for Elders, for relationships and for treaties and
promises. There is a lack of Honor when personal, political, and business decisions
are made that do not consider the well being of present and future generations.
There is a lack of Honor for individual and religious rights of others. It has been said
that this country was formed to allow people to worship in their own ways without
persecution, yet the right to openly practice Native spirituality and ways only came
in 1976, with the passage of the American Indian Religious Freedom Act.

For Native people one of the deepest wounds is lack of Honor. Having experienced
the devastation of Native peoples first hand, I saw how often we implode rather
than explode. Rather than attack another, in our humiliation and shame we tend to
destroy ourselves. I have been told that since Honor has been missing for our
people, that drugs and alcohol are being used to fill the void.

I was taught that one way to live the Honor Way is through living your passion, and
that the door to your spirit is through your deepest pain or your greatest joy.
One way to know your life's purpose is to find your deepest pain, or your greatest
joy, and there you will find what is missing for the world… this can become your
purpose and passion.

This Lack of Honor in the world is the source of my deepest
pain, so following the Honor Way became my focus, my mission and passion, and is
my joy.

I practice bringing Honor back to All My Relations, to myself, to my dreams and my
visions. Yet, Honor and honoring is such an intangible formless concept, that I
wondered for a long time, How could this Honoring Way be returned to all people?
Then I remembered, and many will still remember the prophecy, One day there will
be a generation that will see mother earth suffering but especially when they see their
children suffering. It is that generation that will return honor; not just for the Native
peoples but also for all twolegged.

It was evident to all of us that the Mother Earth
needed our help, and we could see the suffering of our children. This made me think
that maybe WE are the generation that the ones of long ago spoke about, who will
return to the Honor Way.

Eventually the idea of having Honor Day as a recognized holiday came into focus.
Honor Day preserves the Native American Indian value of Honor, inviting all people,
faiths, cultures and traditions to share the Honor Way. A holiday that includes the
Native American Indian Way of Honoring would inspire all people in the same way
as holidays of Martin Luther King Day, Kwanza and Christmas do. Many efforts over
the years have been made to have a recognized National Native Indian day with no
lasting results from the federal government. When I asked the elders about how best
to make this happen they advised me, The government is not the nation, the people
are. Go to the people. That is why we are asking people to sign petitions to make
Honor Day a recognized annual holiday.

I thought it would take a powerful Indian leader to lead the way to restoring honor. I
spoke with many highly prominent Indian leaders about creating Honor Day. They
encouraged me to lead the way. This is where I pondered my plight. I did not see
myself as a powerful person. I am an artist and it is the job of the artist to articulate
what is in the soul. I pressed on. I took comparative religions classes and noticed
how often God speaks to the people who are not in positions of power‐ like the
shepherd in the field. I could see that regular people with powerful ideas can make
big changes in the world. I began to see my lack of a powerful position was an
obstacle only if I allowed it to be. So I followed my dream.

Native tradition taught me that a dream is transformed into physical reality by
speaking it to the hearts of others in a large gathering, meeting or event. If the
dream is meant to have wings it will fly. On January 22, 2000 there was a Treaty Day
play held at the Lummi Indian Nation near Bellingham, Washington, USA. There
were hundreds of people present. Gathering all the courage I could, I stood before
the people and delivered my message suggesting, Maybe WE are the generation that
the ones of long ago talked about, who would return the Honor Way to Humanity!

I proposed that we hold an annual Honor Day Circle Ceremony, which would be A
gift from Native America, transforming the world, by invitation, through the Honor
Way. This was the first step toward a federally recognized Holiday.

The first Honor Day was held at the Lummi Nation in 2000 on August 20; the date
chosen because it is the birthday of the "Miracle", the sacred White Buffalo Calf.
Honoring circles can be created any day of the year. Everyone’s support of Honor
Day and the Honor Way is awe‐inspiring. It is so strong that today many, many
people now observe it, and are honoring everyday. Individuals, families, groups, and
communities are joining us in making history by making their circles and reporting
back to us. We have reports of Honor Day circles being observed in Poland, England,
France, Greece, Sweden, Russia, and Canada. We vision 10,000 circles around the
world. People tell us that have been deeply moved and strengthened by Honor Day
and the act of honoring.

By sharing the Honor Way through ceremonies, we are bringing best traditions and
values from the ancient ones of Native America for present and future generations.
Together we are changing the dynamics of the world ‐ bringing positive actions,
values, and inspiration.

When we Honor the Spirit of Place of Mother Earth, and each other, then we can use
the skills, gifts, and talents of humanity in a good way to solve the many tasks
needed to give our children a safe, healthy future that they will love.

Written by Kathryn Donald as told by Silversong Belcourt, Honor Day Founder

7/3/2009 Copyrighted

HONOR DAY AUG 20 (celebrated this year on August 22) A GIFT FROM NATIVE AMERICA
"Transforming the world, by invitation, to the Honor Way"

Invititation for you on our website:
Silversong writes: Dedicated to my mother, Anne Larson, nee Desjarlais, (1921‐ 2005) who was of Cree, Blackfoot, and Scottish heritage. She is the inspiration for, and source of my work. Her deeply held feeling was that the highest calling and the best education a human being could get is through caring. Even though
she had lived in boarding schools and foster homes she found and maintained a keen sense of herself.
She told me, "The only opinion you need to fear is the one YOU have of yourself." She was Native, and
that made her different, she saw uniqueness as holy, something that she could share with
humankind. Together, as mother and daughter, the love we carried is the source of my inspiration.
We shared the most intimate conversations two people can have. She had a perspective on the past,
was spontaneous in the moment, while visioning that which she chose to make manifest. She was a
remarkable and wise woman who gave shelter, food and clothing to many people, and gave them a
reason to smile and to hope. She is always just a thought away, where expansion and creativity begin.
She is reminding me that nothing is written in stone, that we all are learning about life together.
Dear Relatives,
I am enjoying the beginning of this visit! Lot's to share and discuss!
Warm greetings,

Carol Petersen said:

The solar flare of July 7th is now as big as Jupiter. Since then there have been fire works in the Helix Nebula and July 7th on the Mid Atlanctic coast meteor's lit the sky.,0,21...

When you know for certain you are seeded from the consciousness that is in the air you breathe falling from the sky no one can take your culture away from you. I am that.

I am from the Bee Hive Cluster in the Constellation of the Scarab. I am less human and more of the Blue Race. I walk with a Holy Pipe of the Midewiwin.


Carol Petersen said:
There will be a solar eclipse on July 21 track 14 day before and after noting July 7th marked the beginning of solar flares. Pay attention also to August 4th for earth changes.

Are you reading this?
...Been checking out my incredible new cyber-clan and I am in deep admiration mode-in fact brought to tears at the amazing work that is being done...has me dreaming of a Techno-Village where everyone has an Indigenous job......I see people in the forest ,in the dessert, on the gathers the plants, one processes the plants, one makes the containers for the plant products (which range from food to cosmetics to cleaning products to medecines and tools). We have a Healer on hand and a Hunter and a Ceremony Keeper. We have web-cams and music studios and we support Techno-villages with Indigenous jobs around the world. We are a bio-regional economy-no import no export of our goods and services but much exchange of knowledge and information...we are solar/wind and water powered-our technology does not harm the Earth...we have overcome our population DISTRIBUTION problem (not over-population problem) and food distribution problems...we are using technology and Indigenous cultural ways to live on the parts of the Earth that are currently not inhabited...the mountaintops...the arctic zones...the arid zones....we are repairing the Earth....each Village has only one or two people who are masters at their Indigenous job-there is no competition for jobs...we are all needed and necessary Techno-tribal members-including those who do not work as we currently define this and have new jobs to do....we have left the colonizing governments of canada and america behind and we are walking...we are riding horses...we are taking our Elders in covered wagons, children in goat-carts...we are providing ourselves with all of the elements of survival and community services-so money is now only good for starting fires.....Happy Day-Dreaming to you......Lalo
I was inspired to create a painting which showed a real sense of unity and prophecy after hearing Lee Brown speak about the Bahai faith. This painting has many messages, but one must familiarize themselves with the writings of Abdul'Baha and Shogi Effendi to appreciate the powerful significants between Native Prophecies and the Prophecies of our Bahai Faith. Very eye opening...
Are not religions and faith's based on prophesy? Are these tales of doom spoken to put fear in the children to control the imagination? What you dwell upon you become. I have not heard one good prophecy. I believe we must begin to dream together something revolutionary like Chief Phil Lane's Fourth Way.

Right now everyone is trying to figure out how to be a better human being. That is the main motive, evolution. If you study and think for yourself you will no longer have a need to be led. If you read and learn and take care of your body exercise and eat right your imagination will fill your spirit. Each one of us was born out of goodness. Believe you are good. Just make a decision every one is good. If everyone felt that someone felt that way about them then there would be a great feeling of positivity in a world that is giving each and everyone of us a clean slate every morning to begin a good day.

Dear Carol,
Thank you for continuing to help us move toward the positive and to not give away our energy fighting the negative! My beloved late brother Phil Lucas used to say," If you are in a dark room you don't try and push all the darkness out, you simply turn on the light! If you are ignorant you don't hit your head and try to knock out your ignorance, you simply gain knowledge!" At the same time I believe that we need to be good mirrors for one another and to understand that the most powerful curriculum in our lives are the examples of the best we can find in ourselves and other human beings! These are just some draft thoughts on a quiet Saturday afternoon. Thank you for your sharing! It is deeply appreciated!
Warm Love and Greetings,

Carol Petersen said:
Are not religions and faith's based on prophesy? Are these tales of doom spoken to put fear in the children to control the imagination? What you dwell upon you become. I have not heard one good prophecy. I believe we must begin to dream together something revolutionary like Chief Phil Lane's Fourth Way.

Right now everyone is trying to figure out how to be a better human being. That is the main motive, evolution. If you study and think for yourself you will no longer have a need to be led. If you read and learn and take care of your body exercise and eat right your imagination will fill your spirit. Each one of us was born out of goodness. Believe you are good. Just make a decision every one is good. If everyone felt that someone felt that way about them then there would be a great feeling of positivity in a world that is giving each and everyone of us a clean slate every morning to begin a good day.

Phil Lane Jr. said:
Dear Carol,
Thank you for continuing to help us move toward the positive and to not give away our energy fighting the negative! My beloved late brother Phil Lucas used to say," If you are in a dark room you don't try and push all the darkness out, you simply turn on the light! If you are ignorant you don't hit your head and try to knock out your ignorance, you simply gain knowledge!" At the same time I believe that we need to be good mirrors for one another and to understand that the most powerful curriculum in our lives are the examples of the best we can find in ourselves and other human beings! These are just some draft thoughts on a quiet Saturday afternoon. Thank you for your sharing! It is deeply appreciated!
Warm Love and Greetings,

Carol Petersen said:
Are not religions and faith's based on prophesy? Are these tales of doom spoken to put fear in the children to control the imagination? What you dwell upon you become. I have not heard one good prophecy. I believe we must begin to dream together something revolutionary like Chief Phil Lane's Fourth Way.

Right now everyone is trying to figure out how to be a better human being. That is the main motive, evolution. If you study and think for yourself you will no longer have a need to be led. If you read and learn and take care of your body exercise and eat right your imagination will fill your spirit. Each one of us was born out of goodness. Believe you are good. Just make a decision every one is good. If everyone felt that someone felt that way about them then there would be a great feeling of positivity in a world that is giving each and everyone of us a clean slate every morning to begin a good day.

Very Beloved Relatives,

There is no question that a tempest, unprecedented in its violence, unpredictable in its course, catastrophic in its immediate effects, unimaginably glorious in its ultimate consequences, is at present sweeping the face of the earth. Its driving power is remorselessly gaining in range and momentum. Its cleansing force, however much undetected and misunderstood, is increasing with every passing day. As we can clearly see, Humanity, gripped in the clutches of its devastating power, is smitten by the evidences of its resistless fury. It can neither perceive its origin, nor probe its significance, nor discern its outcome. Bewildered, agonized and helpless, it watches this great and mighty wind of the Creator invading the remotest and fairest regions of the earth, rocking its foundations, deranging its equilibrium, sundering its nations, disrupting the homes of its peoples, wasting its cities, pulling down its bulwarks, uprooting its institutions, dimming its light, and harrowing up the souls of its inhabitants.

Certainly, there is no lack of recognition by national and international leaders of the world-wide character of these challenges, which is self-evident in the mounting issues that confront them daily. And there are the accumulating studies and solutions proposed by many concerned and enlightened groups as well as by agencies of the United Nations, to remove any possibility of ignorance as to the challenging requirements to be met. There is, however, from my perspective, a paralysis of will; it is this that must be carefully examined and resolutely dealt with. This paralysis is rooted in a deep-seated conviction of the inevitable adversarial nature of humankind, which has led to the reluctance to entertain the possibility of subordinating national self-interest to the requirements of a Cooperative Global Forum of any form, and an unwillingness to face courageously the far-reaching implications of establishing a united world authority. It is also traceable to the incapacity of uninformed masses of human beings who speak different languages and have been denied basic, universal education, that I mentioned earlier, who are unable to articulate their desire for a new order in which they can live in peace, harmony and prosperity with all members of the Human Family.

The primary question to be resolved is how the present world, with its entrenched patterns of conflict, can change to a world in which harmony and co-operation will prevail.

As we know, a new world order can only be founded on an unshakable consciousness of the oneness of humankind, a spiritual truth which all the human sciences confirm. Anthropology, physiology, and psychology recognize only one human race, although infinitely varied in the secondary aspects of life. As we, also, know, recognition of this truth requires abandonment of prejudice -- prejudice of every kind -- race, class, sexual orientation color, creed, nation, sex, degree of material civilization, everything which enables people to consider themselves superior to others. This is a great challenge for all of us.

Yet, acceptance of the oneness of humanity is the first fundamental prerequisite for the reorganization and administration of the world as one country, the home of humankind. Universal acceptance of this spiritual principle is essential to any successful attempt to establish world peace. It should therefore be universally proclaimed, taught in schools, and constantly asserted in every nation as preparation for the organic change in the structure of society which it implies. This is, also, a challenge for many.

From my perspective, the recognition of the oneness of humankind calls for no less than the reconstruction and the demilitarization of the whole world -- a world organically unified in all the essential aspects of its life, its political machinery, its spiritual aspiration, its trade and finance, its script and language, and yet infinite in the diversity of the national characteristics of its federated units. This will take some faith, vision, and time.

The implementation of these fair-reaching measures were shared in prophecies, more than 150 years ago. In essence, these prophecies said, “The time must come when the imperative necessity for the holding of a vast, an all-embracing assemblage of human beings will be universally realized. The rulers and leaders of the earth need to attend it, and, participate in its deliberations. They must consider such ways and means as will lay the foundations of the world’s Most Great Peace among all members of the Human Family.”

The unity of the human race, as envisioned by these prophecies, that were given when our ancestors rode free on the high plains of North America, clearly outline the establishment of a world commonwealth in which all nations, races, creeds and classes are closely and permanently united, and in which the autonomy of its state members and the personal freedom and initiative of the individuals that compose them are definitely and completely safeguarded.

This commonwealth, as visualized, would consist of a world legislature, whose members will, as the trustees of the whole of humankind, ultimately control the entire resources of all the component nations, and will enact such laws as shall be required to regulate the life, satisfy the needs and adjust the relationships of all members of the human family. A world executive, backed by an international Force, will carry out the decisions arrived at, and apply the laws enacted by, this world legislature, and will safeguard the organic unity of the whole commonwealth. A world tribunal will adjudicate and deliver its compulsory and final verdict in all and any disputes that may arise between the various elements constituting this universal system.

These prophecies said that a mechanism of world inter-communication would be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvelous swiftness and perfect regularity. Furthermore, A world metropolis will act as the nerve center of a world civilization, the focus towards which the unifying forces of life will converge and from which its energizing influences will radiate. A world language will either be invented or chosen from among the existing languages and will be taught in the schools of all the federated nations as an auxiliary to their mother tongue. A world script, a world literature, a uniform and universal system of currency, of weights and measures, will simplify and facilitate intercourse and understanding among the nations and peoples of the Human Family.

In such a world society, science and spirituality, the two most potent forces in human life, will be reconciled, will co-operate, and will harmoniously develop. The press will, under such a system, while giving full scope to the expression of the diversified views and convictions of humanity, cease to be manipulated by vested interests, whether private or public, and will be liberated from the influence of contending governments and peoples. The economic resources of the world will be organized, its sources of raw materials will be sustainably tapped and fully utilized without waste, its markets will be coordinated and developed, and the distribution of its products and services will be equitably regulated.

National rivalries, hatreds, and intrigues will cease, and racial animosity and prejudice will be replaced by racial amity, understanding and co-operation. The causes of religious strife will be permanently removed, economic barriers and restrictions will be completely abolished, and the inordinate distinction between classes will be obliterated. Destitution on the one hand, and gross accumulation of ownership on the other, will disappear. The enormous energy dissipated and wasted on war, whether economic or political, will be consecrated to extend the range of human inventions and technological developments, to the increase of the productivity of humankind, to the extermination of disease, to the extension of scientific research, to the raising of the standard of physical health, to the sharpening and refinement of the human brain, to the sustainable development of the unused and unsuspected resources of the Mother Earth, to the prolongation of human life, and to the furtherance of any other agency that can stimulate the intellectual, the moral, the cultural, the artistic and spiritual life of the entire human race.

A world federal system, ruling the whole earth and exercising unchallengeable authority over its unimaginably vast resources, blending and embodying the ideals of both the East and the West, liberated from the curse of war and its miseries, and focused on the sustainable development of all the available sources of energy on the surface of Mother Earth(On the Surface!), a system in which Force is made the servant of Justice, whose life is sustained by its universal recognition of one Creator and by its allegiance to one common, never ending, Revelation — such is the goal towards which humanity, impelled by the unifying forces of life, from my perspective, is undeniably and swiftly moving. A difficult challenge? Yes! But what is the alternative?

With this understanding and vision, we must remember, though the course the Creator has traced for us seems, at times, lost in the threatening shadows now enveloping a stricken humanity, the unfailing light that the Everywhere Spirit has caused to shine continually upon us is of such brightness that no earthly dusk can ever eclipse its splendor. Though small in numbers, and circumscribed as yet in our experiences, powers, and resources, the Force which energizes our mission is limitless in its range and incalculable in its potency. Though the enemies which every acceleration in the progress of our mission must raise up be fierce, numerous, and unrelenting, yet the invisible Hosts which, if we persevere, will, as promised, rush forth to our aid and in the end, enable us to vanquish their hopes and annihilate their forces of disunity. Though the ultimate blessings that must crown the consummation of our mission be undoubted, and the Divine promises given us firm and irrevocable, yet the measure of the goodly reward which every one of us is to reap must depend on the extent to which our daily exertions will have contributed to the expansion of that mission and the hastening of its triumph. Though the task be long and arduous, yet the prize which the All-Bountiful Bestower has chosen to confer upon us is of such preciousness that neither tongue nor pen can befittingly appraise it.

As always, it is my prayer that you and your beloved ones are in the very best of health and happiness.

With Warm and Loving Greetings,

So many years ago after all the abuse that was inflicted upon me as a child I decided that the world around me had to go through some serious changes if all of us were to "make it". I began this what I perceived as a singular journey, by approaching people and saying to them...."I am at peace with you." I have adhered to this belief my whole life and have for many years felt that I was the only who felt this way. I have since discovered that there are others who believe this way. It is a comforting feeling to know that I am not alone and not crazy.

It gives me great comfort in knowing that you feel as I do. It will be a struggle, but worth it. To know that the human beings will eventually become "humane" beings is a great comfort. I believe as you do, I just don't have the words of eloquence that you have. Thank you for your words and your voice.
Brother, may you walk in beauty...........White-Bear
There once was a mud beetle and it was at the bottom of the river. It was a murky place and slowly it noticed there were less of those such of itself and it wondered where did they go? And the other mud beetles wondered too. So this one beetle had an impulse to climb the stalk of a lotus root. It said when it comes to the surface of the river it will tell the others who are wondering where did their species go and there was some comfort to this.

It climbed and it was an arduous journey. The current was swift and there was debris in the current. It had to keep focus while exerting tenacity and will in the face of an unknown situation. Finally the beetle made it to the top of the plant which was spread wide upon the surface. It rested under the sun then fell asleep. For how long who knows but long enough that when it was again awake it's form had changed. It was no longer a beetle but a dragonfly. It was impossible to communicate with those still clinging at the bottom of the river. Yet it knew like itself they too would come to have this impulse for discovery.

I will make my journey from self center to sacred center. I have a sense this impulse is very strong and many feel it. There is mystery to this desire, to fulfill and bring peace to oneself, to have a sense of transparency to no longer be hidden. Just once I heard the thoughts of others moments before they spoke. Thoughts hang in the air around our heads, they hang in weather patterns, in radio and tv frequencies. Sometimes my tv answers my questions. Strange world. What is peace if my attention is on all these thoughts. Sometimes I wonder about the thoughts I don't even know I am thinking. There are subliminal realms and multi dimensional frequencies. Yet the heart knows what is best and the heart will guide us from self worth to the sacred worth. It will come as an impulse. We are programed for this quest.

with my heart to yours
Carol Elk Looks Back
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.
This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold onto the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, and push off and into the river,
Keep our eyes open, and our head above the water. See who is in there with you and Celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.
Least of all ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
Our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over, Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that you do now must be done in a sacred manner
And in celebration.
"We are the ones we've been waiting for..."
-Hopi Elder Lansa- around 1960?

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Starting From Within, Working in a Circle, in a Sacred Manner, We Heal and Develop Ourselves, Our Relationships, and the World.


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