The Four Worlds International Institute

We Are Only Here For a Short Time-Remembering and Honoring Tonja Toni Lane.

I give my heartfelt thanksgiving to our Beloved Creator, that I can say at 75 Winters, as my beloved father always told me, “Son we are only here for a short time!" Or like Crow Foot said, "Life is like the breath of a Buffalo on a cold day or a fire fly on a warm summer day or the shadows vanishing before the setting sun!"

Then we travel to other planes of existence as different from this physical world as this physical world is different from the womb world in which we were conceived! When we leave behind our "Earth Suit" we only take with us those spiritual qualities that we have developed on our spiritual journey in this physical world. 

It is my experience and understanding that these spiritual qualities are primarily manifested through our selfless service to the spiritual upliftment of our beloved Human Family and our dedication to possessing a “Pure, Kindly and Radiant Heart" that we each may be a "Sovereignty, Ancient, Imperishable and Everlasting!"

As difficult and painful as it is to accept, sometimes, the more spiritual tests and difficulties we are given the greater the harvest of spiritual qualities and gifts that we will take with us when we journey to the “Other Side Camp!" Understanding this, I have the utmost faith that Wakan Tanka and the Ancient of Days truly love all of those "Walking the Red Road", far, far beyond the “murmur of syllables and sounds!"

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Comment by Linda Taschereau on February 5, 2014 at 7:48pm
I so Love to see these positive signs of Fairness , Humanity & Unity starting to evolve <3
Comment by Sherry Elizabeth on January 22, 2014 at 2:11pm

Hi Brother Phil! I tried to call you a few ago but the number kept changing weird!

I knew in my heart that the Thai situation was one that we can work on through our love of Mother the Thai I have been visiting with here in Washington state have made me feel like family which has helped me not to feel so alone. I know that Russell would be happy to see you go to Thailand I will be drumming while you are away for you and all our relatives Aho!

Comment by Stephen Bamford on January 20, 2014 at 10:39am

Always an inspiration and gentle reminders from you.  I appreciate you.  Best wishes to you and yours in this and all the coming New Years.  

Comment by Wendy Jones on January 16, 2014 at 8:24pm

As always, thank you for your good words, Brother Phil.  I've just come from seeing  my 18 month granddaughter. While I live in the moment while with her I also am constantly reminded of my time as a blip on Earth, and the Human Race's blip of history on Her as I witness my granddaughter's development.  I've endless bounds to grow spiritually, I guess it never stops, and this too reminds me of how short life is.  I am also reminded of how truly miraculous children are and how we learn from them...and how we can re-achieve those miracles within ourselves and our surrounding world by the attention given to the sheer marvel of life.  In Spirit and Peace!

Comment by Phil Lane Jr. on January 16, 2014 at 7:11pm

Beloved Brother,

My email is and my phone is 1-604-542-8991. As well,I ave free calling in Canada and the US! Let's see if we can speak this week-end, as I have been called to do some critical work in Thailand. I leave on the 23rd! 

Warm Love and Greetings,

Brother Phil

Comment by White-Bear on January 16, 2014 at 6:56pm

As we "walk thi red road" may do this in everup-lifting, with love in our hearts and spiritual Blessings witthin our quietness in our hearts.and with much forgivness within our hearts, souls and within the depths of our good hearts...

May you walk in beauty,

White-Bear Apache Elder

and send me an email I have much to share with you, brother, Aho!

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