“The New Global Civilization, now unfolding, that the Prophecies of Indigenous Peoples and the Ancient of Days have long envisioned is not to be confused, even remotely, with the various new world orders that are fearfully alluded to by various contending sources. This includes a new world order where the extremely wealthy or a secret elite enslave most of humanity for their own selfish and greedy purposes, or a new world order where everyone is forced to look, act and think the same, or a new world order dominated by any one nation state or a new world order created by an Anti-Christ prior to an Armageddon.
These prophecies include the Mayan, the Reunion of the Condor and the Eagle, the Eighth Council Fire, the Return of the White Buffalo and the Prophecies of Black Elk , Deganiwida, Quetzalcoatl, Sweet Medicine, Handsome Lake and the Hopi`s. It is important to note that all these Prophecies are firmly rooted in the spiritual understanding and consciousness of the Oneness and Prior Unity of the Human Family.
With this spiritual understanding, perspective and consciousness, it is clear to see that the unshakable foundation of the New Global Civilization, that is now unfolding, includes the Equality of Men and Women, the Balancing of the Extremes of Wealth and Poverty, the Elimination of All Forms of Prejudice, the Harmony of Science and Spirituality, Universal Education that is culturally and spiritually respectful of all Members of the Human Family, the Independent Investigation of Truth and Unity in Diversity! A New World Civilization where the voices, wisdom and vision of Indigenous Peoples and other marginalized members of the Human Family are fully, justly and respectfully represented.”
Brother Phil Lane Jr., Chanupa Sapa, Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations
Kia ora Grace - Love your korero - you are an inspirational wahine. In Aotearoa our rates of homelessness/addictions grow with many changes afoot... It has been a long time since I have returned to this site as I guess one could say I have been a bit caught up in some of the mechanisms of life here and where it leads... Here we have seen a large exodus of Maori to Australia; which I am sure has it own impacts on the indigenous peoples of that land... My heart sunk several years ago when I visited Vancouver for an indigenous conference and was introduced to the homelessness there-the cabbie was shocked I was shocked at the high amount of people on the street. Here I am asking friends not to become immune to what we see; when people become invisible to humanity I am aware we have lost hope... I am also aware it is a courageous heart to work on the street... Our present government is presently growing disparity and quite clever in how they go about it they have cleverly ensnared Maori/Iwi/Hapu to bicker amongst eachother whilst they continue to legislate & enforce through 'heavy handed policies' - 'true shadow stuff' which at times saddens me some have lost sight of what they had genuinely began with 'heart'; it is now a fight for meal peice bits normally at the expense of their own... We have a government now investing in prisons as a given social determinant and Iwi aligning to oversee their functions as they go offshore for privatisation/Asset sales of many things... I need to trust enough courage remains to enable 'positive change' through Oneness/Unity & Justice here... I know the wairua of indigneous peoples has much for others to learn from...It takes courage to stand & be counted for the good of many rather than the privileged few - Kia tau te rangimarie Tracy
Dear Brother Phil Lane, Much has happened since I last posted on this site. Nine Eagles came to downtown Portland during a reunion of medicine from Alaska. New Sacred Energy blessed my life too. I continue to work with medicine on streets helping addicts and homeless. Please feel free to go to KBOO.fm Prison Pipeline to hear archived broadcast. I am starting to add information as a point of hope on your latest message. We started with M. Reardon and her spiritual work. Sept. 10th I will add your blog to the show. Thank you so much for the message of Oneness and Unity and Justice---light that will not see darkness---much love, Grace
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