The Four Worlds International Institute

Draft Outline of Strategy to Retake the Black Hills Over Time

Mitakuyepi, All My Relatives, Cante Wasteya Nape Ciyuzapi Yedo, I Shake Your Hands With a Good Heart,

With all that is unfolding regarding the wide-spread and heart-felt movement to buy back Pe' Sla, the Heart of All That Is, that was illegally seized by military forces on behalf of the US Government, I feel it may be timely to share more broadly what I  shared with some close relatives two years ago. This is only a humble draft outline, but hopefully it may stir some visiting and dialogue about a long-range vision and strategy to retake all of our beloved Paha Sapa.

Having shared this I ,also, understand and support the perspective of, " Why do the Lakota People have to buy back what was illegally seized by military force from the Lakota People in the first place!

For those of you who want an in-depth legal and historical understanding of these issues, I would respectfully suggest you explore the life-time work of my late Uncle Vine Deloria Jr. beginning with Custer Died For Your Sins: An Indian Manifesto, New York: Macmillan, 1969. ISBN 0-8061-2129-7.

Wopida heca yedo! Thank you to all! Anpetu waste yuha po! Have a good day!


With Warm and Loving Greetings,

Brother Phil Lane Jr.,

Shunkmanu He Miye Do!
Chanupa Sapa He Miye Do!

Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations

Draft Outline of Strategy to Retake the Black Hills Over Time 


Litigation Settlement (Final outcome to be determined by the Lakota People):

  1. Funds go into Land Acquisition Trust Administered by Council of Lakota Elders and Young People
  2. Negotiate trade of some National Forest Land in lieu of some of the funds
  3. Ensure that all lands in the Trust become Reservation Land
  4. No funds from settlement to be used for any purpose other than Land Acquisition


Mapping Strategy: Plot Entire Area-Develop Monitoring of Real Estate Holdings and Potential Sales of Major Strategic Parcels

  1. Tribal Lands
  2. Federal Lands
  3. State Lands
  4. Sacred Sites
  5. Primary Access Points (major roads into or out of area)


Land Use Strategy:

  1.  Reserve sacred sites for commons
  2. Determine areas reserved for nature/non-development
  3. Determine areas suitable for development


Land Leases:

  1. None of funds to be used for business ventures—all to be reserved for acquiring land under the plan
  2. Land determined suitable for development to be leased to individual Tribes on a shared revenue basis, with equal treatment of all tribes involved with tribal commitment to the planned and approved development
  3. Tribes to provide funds for development and project management, and employment for their tribal members
  4. Funds obtained by Trust for such land leases to be put to work acquiring more land.


Ongoing Negotiation Team:

  1. Negotiate with Federal Agencies for returns of land that they don’t need or are willing to give up (in some cases may involve “purchase”)
  2. Negotiate with State for purchase of state lands they don’t need or want to develop or are willing to give back
  3. Monitor for major land-holdings that may go up for sale (generational change, bankruptcy, etc.(Pe' Sla).
  4. Look for strategic opportunities at major access point areas to provide development areas for revenue for tribes
  5. Look for opportunities to create contiguity between tribal lands/reservations and new acquisitions


Brother Phil Lane Jr.

Shunkmanu He Miye Do!
Chanupa Sapa He Miye Do!

Ihanktonwan Dakota and Chickasaw Nations

Views: 557


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Comment by Quetzalcoatl- Mexica Vikingr on September 3, 2012 at 7:02pm
Wonderous news if you have not heard. The Reynolds Family and the Oceti Sakowin have a deal! Pe'Sla is safe. Another Prophecy fulfilled. Thank you Chief Phil. Nice doing business with You ;) Love and blessings! More Prophecies and seeming miracles are yet to manifest. That I can promise!
Comment by Quetzalcoatl- Mexica Vikingr on August 24, 2012 at 12:44pm

I forwarded this outline to Chase Iron Eyes of Last Real Indians as soon as I got this via email. Thank you, Chief Phil
Mitakuye Oyasin

Thank You-Brother Phil

Comment by amy rigg on August 23, 2012 at 3:36am

with love

Comment by Sylvia Donna Andreozzi on August 22, 2012 at 8:13pm

Sounds like a plan.  It is also beneficial to visualize the desired outcome ... as detailed as possible ...     Good work Brother Phil ....

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