The Four Worlds International Institute

Help us Honor the Youth Where it all Began!

We are steadily moving toward our goal of $18,600 by the 20th of August! If we all contribute $7.00 or more to the Standing Rock Playground and Basketball Court Vision, it will manifest! Donation info is below the article! Wopila Tanka!"

 Wakpala is the Community on Standing Rock where, on March 26, 2016, Oceti Sakowin Runners, guided by the prayers of their Elders, began a series of Sacred Runs to raise awareness of the grave threat posed by the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) to all Members of the Human Family. Their Sacred Message, Mni Wiconi, Water Is Life continues to echo everywhere on Mother Earth, with growing strength, with every passing day!

The Four Worlds International Institute, in collaboration with Unify, have launched a campaign to build new playground and basketball court, with the consultation and guidance of Community Leaders of Wakpala, to give thanksgiving to the young people, their parents, and elders of the community of Wakpala. This Wopila Ceremony is in Great Thanksgiving for Wakpala’s dedicated time, volunteer work, gracious hospitality and financial support toward honoring the Sacred Teaching, Mni Wiconi, Water is Life.They have continued to do this dedicated service to the People despite a continuing unemployment rate of more than 85% across Standing Rock.

As we look and move forward, we must always remember to honor the roots of our ever-increasing, unprecedented, unified, actions to Protect the Sacred, not only our water but our children. The thought of the children and young people of Wakpala without even a decent, safe playground or basketball court is unconscionable, especially in light of the $ Millions raised in the name of Standing Rock and Mni Wiconi.

As one Wakpala Elder shared, “ $ Millions were raised and spent in the name of Standing Rock and No DAPL. Our Community of Wakpala supported the Vision on Mni Wiconi, in every way possible, but when it was all over, our children and young people of Wakpala were left with nothing, not even a decent basketball court or playground for our many children and youth to play.!”

So, with great love and respect, we invite you to join us to raise funds to build a new basketball court and playground to honor the young people of Wakpala, who first shared the Sacred Message, Mni Wiconi, Water is Life to the Human Family, everywhere on Mother Earth! Help us say Wopila Tanka “Great Thanksgiving” to the youth and Elders of the Community of Wakpala on August 20th at the Annual Wakpala Wacipi (Pow Wow).

This action of Gratitude and Thanksgiving will include, a Traditional Giveaway of 35 Hand Made Star Quilts and Mni Wiconi T Shirts, made and designed by the Community of Wakpala, a Thanksgiving Feast and a check for $!8,600.00 for a new Playground and Basketball court.

$8000.00 has already been raised for the Hand Made Star Quilts, Thanksgiving Feast, and Mni Wiconi T Shirts. Through the dedicated work of the Wakpala Basketball and Playground Funding Coordinators, Elder Greg Sherwood and Laura Grijalva, another contribution of $3200.00 from the Wakpala District was made toward the New Playground and Basketball Court,

The Standing Rock Sioux Tribe is unable to make a contribution due to the $ Millions committed to the No DAPL fight and to supporting the Water Protector Camps. This includes significant Casino revenue losses due to the Morton County and DAPL blockade. These Casino revenue losses significantly reduced the Tribe's capacity to all Standing Rock Elder and Children programming. When you are unemployed, and on welfare, even small financial cutbacks mean a lot.

What is needed now is $18, 600 for the Playground and Basketball Court. Whatever contribution you can make, including prayers, to give a Wopila Tanka to the Community of Wakpala is greatly appreciated.

Finally, It is our heartfelt prayer, with this example of Wopila Tanka for Wakpala, similar actions of Wopida Tanka will be committed to the other Communities of Standing Rock. These communities include Fort Yates (Long Soldier) Porcupine, Kenel, Running Antelope (Little Eagle), Bear Soldier (McLaughlin), Rock Creek (Bullhead) and Cannonball.

With this prayer and vision, we give each of you, Wopila Tanka, for your heartfelt dedication to the Sacred Teaching, Mni Wiconi. As well, we express special gratitude and honor to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and their very respected Elders, Children, Young People and Communities for their heartfelt hospitality, generosity, and continued sacrifice.

To support this Community-Based effort please go to Paypal and send to It is not important how much you share that is most important! !What is most important is your participation and prayers! If your contribution is sent to and from a friend or family, and not called a donation, there is only a transaction fee of $1.50. If you wish to send a check or have another way you may wish to share please send an email to Sue at Have a great weekend. 

Wopila Tanka!

*Above text approved by the Wakpala Basketball and Playground Funding Coordinators*

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Comment by Stephen Bamford on August 16, 2017 at 8:13am

Thank you for your words and the sharing of your wisdom. I have responded to you via email. Many blessings -

Comment by Phil Lane Jr. on August 16, 2017 at 12:30am

Thank you, Stephen, for your insights and questions. From my perspective, the best investment to make in Standing Rock is to empower the young people and the communities that surround them. Since my father was born in Wakpala and my great-grandfather was formally adopted in a Hunka Ceremony by Chief Gall and was a spiritual leader across Standing Rock and the Oceti Sakowin for 40 years, I am aware of the tremendous Spiritual capacity and potential that exists in Wakpala and other similar communities  across the Oceti Sakowin and beyond, These grassroots communities have had to survive genocide, cultural genocide, poverty, addiction and more than 85% unemployment, for many generations. With a few resources, they have the capacity to facilitate significant change. If you would like to explore this further, please email me at, and we can set up a visit.

Warm Greetings,


Comment by Stephen Bamford on August 14, 2017 at 8:59am

Your clarification on this is most excellent Chief Lane. We see many different avenues for making contributions. At the risk of putting you in perhaps an unfortunate position, I ask if is worthwhile from your perspective. We have received information here in the Pacific Northwest area of the US that it is. We have been in contact with some of the Water Protectors and members of the Standing Rock Nation who do believe is worthwhile, but it would serve us all to know, from your vantage point how best to continue to support the efforts of those still standing at Standing Rock. Some say the legal arena is perhaps the only way to truly impact the outcome of this debacle in a good way. Given your experience we could benefit from your clarification on this if you have anything further to say on this important manner. Given the political climate in the US at this time, I can only say it is my hope brute physical force is not applied by the government in the country south of your beautiful Canada.

Comment by Phil Lane Jr. on August 13, 2017 at 10:00pm

 Wopida Tanka! is for the US contributions, sister Carol!

Comment by Carol Windsong on August 13, 2017 at 8:30pm

Very happy to help this wonderful cause but I'm not computer savvy and it didn't take me to a check out under donation, like paypal. Do I just use this and wouldn't US be  address for paypal donations? Thanks for clarifying. Much love to all... very excited this project. Key IS any amount helps.

I hope we can do this in more places like Attawapiskat community in Canada. It's a true prayer and dream to donate to and see a recreational building built there for them. Wopila Tanka for all. Much LOVE 

Comment by Phil Lane Jr. on August 13, 2017 at 7:15pm

Thank you, sister Wendy! Prayers are what are fulfilling the Profieces and moving all forward!

Comment by Wendy Jones on August 13, 2017 at 6:23pm

Prayers up for the Standing Rock playground!!!!  I'm on disability so cannot contribute monetarily, but I do offer my humble prayers for all.  Hiy Hiy.

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