The Four Worlds International Institute

Four World’s Talking and Healing Circle Leader/Facilitator-Online Learning Program

 Dear Beloved Friends and Relatives, 

 As always, it is my prayer that you and your beloved ones are finding inner peace and spiritual strength, in every and all conditions.

 Healing the Hurt: “If You Can Feel it, You Can Heal It”


My father always shared with me, " Son, if you can feel it, you can heal it. If you talk about it, you can understand it.”  Today our Human Family is deeply "Feeling It" and wants to “Understand It,” but lack the safety, proven guidelines and processes of spiritual and emotional healing and trusted Healers and Co-Counselors, so they may! 


“Talk About It, and Heal it !” Talking and Healing Circles are a powerful, but gentle way to Transform Fear and other Forms of Intergenerational Trauma and Lateral Violence into Spiritual, Emotional and Mental Understanding, Strength, Unity and Conscious Faith.


This comes with the understanding that the "Tears are not the Pain, they are a Release of the Pain." "The Shivering, Trembling and Cold Perspiration are not the Fear, they are a Release of the Fear."


The 7-Week,  22-Hour, Four Worlds Talking Circle Leader/Facilitator OnlineTraining Program


With many years of Elder guidance, practice, and personal experience, we have developed a 7-week, 22-hour, principle-centered, mentoring and Talking Circle training program for recognizing trusted, Talking Circle Leaders. In this Zoom delivered training, we will learn and participate together, building on more than 52 years of service and experience, with culturally-based, participatory human and community development processes, to co-create further dimensions of healing and prosperity. 


I look forward to sister Karin Lindeman-Boerge and Brother Bernhard Holtrop  joining me in this learning process. Karin is from Four Worlds Europe, the Sacred Circle of the Indigenous Women of Europe, the Global Council of Indigenous Women. Brother Bernhard is the former chairman of the former World Dialogue foundation, now affiliated as a founding member to the Academy of Professional Dialogue These 18 years of love, learning and sharing together, since we met in 2002,  goes the World of Names. 


We will share our collective knowledge about "Dialogue," “Living Ceremony,” and “the Unity of Science and Spirituality,” while learning about and participating in and facilitating Talking and Healing Circles. As well, we will visit about how we have addressed and transcended the issue of "cultural appropriation.”


Special invited Elders and Healers, during our Seven Weeks together,  include, Grandmother and Healer, Dene Elder and Healer, Pat McCabe, Woman Stands Brightly,  Mohawk Elder and Healer, Kahontakwas Diane Longboat,  Turtle Clan, Six Nations Grand River Territory Tsilhqot'in Elder and Healer Corinne Stone, Tl'etinqox-Anahim First Nation, Hopi/ Havasupai/ Kewa Grandmother, and Healer, Mona Polacca,  Frisian Elder and Sound Healer, Anke De Jong, Netherlands and 7th Generation Leader, Lyla June Johnston.  


Tonja Lyla June is an environmental scientist, doctoral student, educator, economist, community organizer and musician of Diné, Tsétsêhéstâhese and European lineages,  Taos, NM.

It is my experience of the past 75 Winters, that cultures, communities, and systems open to transform and share together, in a culturally-respectful and a principle-center manner, thrive, and those that are closed, die. In our journey together, we are seeking the light of oneness and unity.  We do not care what the lampshade looks like! 


Chaske Tiger and Tonska Rajiv will be facilitating Zoom sessions, including large and small Learning and Talking Circle. Talking Circles will be limited to seven learners to ensure maximum participation and learning.


Prior to the training, all participants will be supported to set up a personal Zoom account and initiate and participate in 3-way Talking Circles. By the conclusion of this 7-week process, April 9-May 21, 2020, everyone will be thoughtfully equipped to facilitate a Zoom-Based Talking Circle , if they have the online capacity. 


As well, for those that are recognized Healers and Counselors, you will have the capacity to facilitate one-on-one Counseling and Healing and Three-Way Counseling, without cost. These are the features of a Free and a First Level Zoom account.


Closing Ceremony and Staking Ceremony


As we initiated at Alkali Lake, in 1985, and at our yearly Four World's International Summer Institute, and other Four World's Indigenous Training Programs in the 1980s and 1990s, our 7-Week Talking Circle Training, will conclude with a virtual Staking Ceremony and Recognition as Talking Circle Leaders/Facilitators, by our Four Worlds Elders Council.


Along with the 22-hours of online learning, there will also be an equal number of hours of suggested readings and videos, for those beloved friends and relatives who have the interest, time and energy to further deepen their understanding. 


Breath of Life Ceremony


In 1987, drawing upon the holotropic breathwork of our good brother, Dr. Stanislof Groff, and other related Indigenous Ceremonial Healing Processes, the Breath of Life Ceremony was born. Hundreds of Indigenous peoples and other members of our Human Family participated in these Breath of Life Ceremonies. 


Building on this foundation of healing and understanding, we will also share the Breath of Life Ceremony, virtually, with you. If you are going to participate in the Breath of Life Ceremony, there will need to be one or more couples together, to support and heal together. 


The Breath of Life Ceremony, for some, maybe very strong, sometimes, almost overwhelming. As well, it is also important, for yourself, to be in good health.  This will be further explained and discussed in our learning process.   



The program includes the following:  


  • The 7-week,  22-hour, Online Learning Process
  • Talking Circle Facebook Group to connect with other relatives
  • Hosted Zoom calls every week.
  • Complimentary Related Resource Materials and Recordings of Sessions
  • Closing and Staking Ceremony
  • Breath of Life Ceremony
  • And, more...


The Tuition for the training is $160.00. 


If your budget doesn’t allow payment in full or in part, scholarships are available. No one will be excluded who wishes to fully participate in the Talking Circle Leader/ Facilitator Training. We will work with whatever your budget allows you to contribute or not contribute financially to this healing initiative and the work of Four Worlds. Your love, prayers, and sharing the training with others, is greatly appreciated.  


If you need a full-scholarship, there will be a place to register for full-scholarships, on our registration page.  


We warmly invite friends and relatives, who are experienced in leading/facilitating and participating in Talking/Healing Circles to join us. If you would like to participate as a Talking Circle Leader/Facilitator or would like further information,  please contact Tiger: “” or Rajiv: “”) 


Global,  Online Opportunities for Healers, Addictions Counselors, Social Workers, and Talking Circle Leaders/Facilitators


Even though the casino, tourism, restaurant, and other service industries are being impacted in our World of Turtle Island, we have awesome healers, addictions counselors, social workers, and Talking Circle Leaders/Facilitators. We as, Indigenous peoples have in-depth, on-going experience in healing and understanding intergenerational trauma, lateral violence, internalized oppression and colonization.


Our Human Family is in growing need of spiritual and emotional healing expertise, gifts and wisdom. Join us in being at the heart of global healing, as prophesied, as we transform and heal ourselves, in Oneness with all Life! 


Thank you, beloved friends and relatives,  for taking the time and energy to read through my musings. Chaske Tiger and Tonska Rajiv, will take it from here and ensure there is no "Devil in the Details." You may look forward to hearing from them soon.


With Warm and Loving Greetings, 


Lala, Dekshi, and Lala Phil 


Brief History of the Four World's Talking Circle Teachings 






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Comment by waldenthree coordinator on June 5, 2020 at 5:13pm


Brother Phil Lane Jr. :  Healing the Hurt: “If You Can Feel it, You Can Heal It”

Avi/Cafe T Conversation:  Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. Ludwig van Beethoven

Learn Heritage Cover Song 01_"Let It Be" by Paul McCartney, Beatles...

Comment by waldenthree coordinator on June 5, 2020 at 5:07pm


Brother Phil Lane Jr. :  Healing the Hurt: “If You Can Feel it, You Can Heal It”

Avi/Cafe T Conversation:  Music is the mediator between the spiritual and the sensual life. Ludwig van Beethoven

Learn Heritage Cover Song 01_"Let It Be" by Paul McCartney, Beatles...

Comment by Kundi Hess on April 28, 2020 at 1:54pm

So powerful ~ loved reading this ~ Thank you 

Comment by Jerry Pope on April 5, 2020 at 5:19am

Where do I pay?

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Starting From Within, Working in a Circle, in a Sacred Manner, We Heal and Develop Ourselves, Our Relationships, and the World.


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