The Four Worlds International Institute


Men's Lodge

A place where the men can gather and have relaxing conversations, learning, teaching and laughter. We need this space, so welcome. May you walk in beauty White-Bear Apache Elder

Location: everywhere upon Mother Earth
Members: 76
Latest Activity: Oct 27, 2019

Discussion Forum

It's quite in the men's lodge? 5 Replies

I am new over here. I met Brother Phil some weeks ago in Lothlorien and found myself suddenly being the Fire Keeper in his Pipe Sharing Ceremony; my Soul being very happy and me being very humble…Continue

Started by Gerard Franciscus Remmerswaal. Last reply by Paul Tobin-Coyote Song Sep 18, 2016.

How to live in harmony with all beings and the earth itself 19 Replies

I would love to hear what other men are feeling in these times of great change. What are you doing to abide in the spiritual reality that exists above and beyond, yet coincident with this place. …Continue

Started by John Bent. Last reply by Tim Barrett Sep 2, 2014.

Getting Involved 3 Replies

Okay, this one got to me. I signed the petition. Can we make a difference? Not if We just sit and do nothing. Come on guys, go for it! This one needs Us.…Continue

Started by John Francis. Last reply by Tim Barrett Sep 2, 2014.


Knowledge minus Action equals ZeroKnowlegdg - Action = 0Continue

Started by Bernie Robinson Feb 24, 2013.

Comment Wall


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Comment by White-Bear on April 19, 2014 at 11:20am

spring has arrived! time to gather up the family and prepare for Pow Wow season!!Thanks be to all and many blessings for each of you!

may you ALL awalk in beauty

White-Bear Apache Elder

Comment by White-Bear on November 15, 2013 at 10:29am


may you walk in beautywwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwhite-Bear


Comment by Mushin Mato Wambli on January 29, 2013 at 4:03am

“Those who live for one another learn that love is the bond of perfect unity." Fools Crow

My brothers,

I appreciate the opportunity to join this sacred circle and may all being be happy, well fed and loved, and find awaken to find their way today.

Since March 2000 I have participated in the International ManKind Project that was blessed by the Lakota. A fragile initiatory repository for unearthing and regaining the heart to heart experience brotherhood between all men in our world. The experience brought me "HOME" and the task at hand in the sacred masculine of re-inventing a child centric wisdom continuum in modern time collaborating with aboriginal first nation peoples restoring wolakota, a treaty of peace and friendship without greed committed to living in balance in the web of life.  

This 25 year + repository is changing the collaborative diversity of Native men is beginning to reveal the deep wise wisdom continuum of being Homo sapiens amans.

There are two projects in 2013 that I am steering in council with many men's participation and invite this sacred circle to explore.

Lakota and Sudanese men are coming together in the near future in Omaha NE for New Hunter Adventure.  The notion of being warriors as boys is a misinterpretation of the caring, feeding and nurturing role of the sacred masculine spirit.  In ancient days 95% of our attention based in natural law was hunting and bringing home the bacon to feed the village, and a very small amount of attention was placed upon tribal conflict.  If you have a desire to join us in creating a new hunting party in solidarity for the Next Big Game please let me know and join us in Omaha NE.

I am the founder of The Order of Earth, Lakota translation Maka Si Tomni, and our brothers in the Naath Nuer tribe in Southern Sudan have invited TOOTE~V3W LLC to assist in bringing forth a sustainable community by 2021.  We are starting in 2013 and planning our first visit with clear intention of eradicating energy poverty with off grid self empowerment through solar energy.  Our human communication between one another is more powerful than positons, titles, weapons or money.  Heart to heart brotherhood transcends current religious, educational, political and commercial universal business codes.  TOOTE~V3W LLC view is the Next Big Game is arising from the grass root of our biological origins as Homo sapines amans amans ~ wise loving beings at the bottom of the current pyramid.  

Thank you for your attention in this regard and know our unity in the faith of natural law is a blessing to Mother E~art~h and we were never born to cry rather to care as stewards for the sacred generations of tomorrow ~ our children.


Cell 303-520-6866

Skype orderofearth_patric


Comment by Tom Stiles on January 19, 2013 at 11:07am

Offering prayers to the Source of all life, that all embrace an understanding of the inherent unity of the human family, demonstrated through individual and collective right life, and constantly expressed as cooperation, tolerance, universal participation and accountability.   May the ancestors, and all my friends and relations, guide me to walk this path.  

Also writing letters and signing petitions.... where that may help....

Comment by White-Bear on January 19, 2013 at 10:22am

Good Morning Brothers;

Tell me...what are you doing about participating in/with the "Idle no more" movement that is occuring in Indian Country?

Comment by White-Bear on October 21, 2012 at 9:04am


The great snows are upon our doorsteps! It is time to gather your buffalo robes for warmth, and your families, together. Love and peace to all for the coming times and great comfort and rest for your hearts....

May you walk in beauty


Apache Elder

Comment by waldenthree coordinator on April 7, 2012 at 12:22pm


National Congress of American Indians Executive Council
RE: Seek Conversation with a spokesperson for NCAI .  Anyone who has familiarity or access to this
Umbrella Organizatoin for Natives Americans, and can advice or introduce for conversations leading
to a Private Publilc Partnership Project with Target Location at the NM or OK, would be most appreciated.

REF URL:  A 2.5 minutes slide presentation on UTUBE fas Public Servcie Announcement (PSA)
Community Greenhouse Project with STEM Education Support--Renewable Energy Showcase Also !  
Fairfaxva 01 RED PSA02_02P.wmv 
Avi Dey
Cafe Twin Conversations Fairfax C2C
 Fairfax, Virginia
 (Phone chat welcome scheduled at mutual convenience)
Avi at
Comment by waldenthree coordinator on February 11, 2012 at 3:18pm

Going beyond just chats and profound wisdom talk is always most difficult specially long distance since most people in this network live very far apart even within usa. But I am going to give this invite for "conversations" for anyone interested in Virtual teaming to share our emotions to doing good for Native American community as a demo project as I have discussed briefly in this recent Squidoo article .   If anyone is interested in taking the next step, I am easy to reach.  My Twitter ID :@waldenthreenet  My EMAIL: .  My group at Facebook, "Green Living Arts & Science" can also be a place for conversations to go beyond wisdom to action for anyone so has emotions to support.  Makes sense ? 

A Green Living Demo with Community Solar Greenhouse Twin For Thar Desert People of India and Native Am People of Southwest USA

Comment by White-Bear on February 11, 2012 at 10:51am

Excellent question, Anand;

I would like to attempt to answer your question. The approach that I personally am trying to use is to think with my heart. Your mind loves to play games, lie to you. Your heart can never lie to you. I have started to speak to everyone I meet with my heart to their heart. It is amazing how quietly you can speak and they will hear you. It works!


May you walk in beauty


Apache Elder 

Comment by waldenthree coordinator on January 18, 2012 at 2:59am

Science Vs Religion and Nature Vs Nurture __Knowledge for Healthier Community in America


Members (76)


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Starting From Within, Working in a Circle, in a Sacred Manner, We Heal and Develop Ourselves, Our Relationships, and the World.


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