The Four Worlds International Institute

Four World Councils “Heritage Ambassador Team” To Link with on-going Native AM Festivals (Correct the problme of weak membership ?)



Dear Fellow Council Members of Four World,


I have brought up the priority need to strengthen Four World Councils & Membership via a focused plan and execution via some sort of an "Ambassador' program.


There is an urgent need to dicuss this to make any discussion of philosophy, culture and 'brotherhood'.   It is clear just by armchair discussions, the membership to Four World will not increase !


How do we develop a small group to execute and propose such an "Four World Ambassadors Program" or  some sort of a variation ?


If we have a solid proposal developed via a small group of interested persons, and with approval and blessing for our leadership, such an initiave can be funded via the Stimulous Package grant via the PPP (Private Public Partnserhip) requirement.


How do we form such a small group to exectute if there is a recognition of the issue i have broght to this  Thanksgiving table ?


comments ?



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Four World Councils “Heritage Ambassador Team” To Link with on-going Native AM Festivals (Correct the problme of weak membership ?)

waldenthree coordinator said:

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