The Four Worlds International Institute

June of last year I spent a while with some Q`ero Shamans in the Sacred Valley about a 2 hour drive from Cusco. These 2 Shamans were so gentle and loving, They have inspired me to walk a better path and to learn their ways. I have read books on the Shamans of peru and have attended some workshops around my home offering some of their teachings. Nothing beats actually spending time with these real men of wisdom and love. In the little time that I spent with them, they taught me so much. I did a Despacho ceremony with these men. Despacho ceremony is for gratitude, love, manifesting, and most important honoring Mother Earth.

I did what they called a clearing and florishing ceremony and I did a Ayhawausca Ceremony with a plant Shaman, that was something else and brought me much insight. All of these men were so loving and so accepting, The whole time I was with them. we talked, we learned from each other, and there was so much laughter. I learned how to do Despacho ceremonies at a workshop near my home. but I wanted to learn from Shamans who have been doing it for centuries. AMAZING.

I didnt want to leave these people I wanted to stay and learn all I could learn but I had to come back to Canada. I did ask spirit to send me my own teacher so that I could keep walking this path. In september I enrolled at the Institute of Shamanic Medicine in Calgary Alberta. It is a good school I will learn what I can from them. It was not what I pictured to be my next teacher to be but I am open to it all

I am also going to a school in my city to learn how to be a massage therapist. The Shamans that I met in june have changed my life so much. They have touched me deeply and might not even realize it, that is how I want to be also. I want to be a positive change to everyone I touch. I would like to show people that lives can be good no matter what has happened to them. That our thoughts can make the difference and that we can all dream a new dream. anyway, those are my thoughts for today


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Comment by Carol Petersen on February 15, 2010 at 12:21pm
Comment by Carol Petersen on February 15, 2010 at 12:18pm
Concerning massaging the juggler vein? No but I would think MLD would be best and there are sites abound on this it is also favorable for cancer. It is a very light touch and makes the skin sweat.
Comment by brian perpelitz on February 14, 2010 at 5:23pm
do you have a website that might explain this technique , my brother has MS it might help
Comment by brian perpelitz on February 14, 2010 at 5:20pm
im just new at massage, still learning swedish massage have started any therepudic massage yet
Comment by Carol Petersen on February 14, 2010 at 5:04pm
I was excited to hear of the technique for MS I'm glad you know about it. I wish I could have a massage right now I feel desperate for a good touch LOL I have RA I used to massage a client with it and it helped her tremedously. Any suggestions?
Comment by brian perpelitz on February 14, 2010 at 4:52pm
canadian government wont approve it with more research, funny how they wanted us to all have the H1N1 vaccine with out them testing it much, kind of makes you wonder
Comment by brian perpelitz on February 14, 2010 at 4:50pm
yes developed by a Dr Zamboni in italy
Comment by Carol Petersen on February 14, 2010 at 4:42pm
Good Brian
There was a program about a breakthrough with MS. It has shown up in MRI the juggler vein is so contracted that the flow of oxygen to the brain is disrupted. Massaging the juggler vein could help but inserting a shunt has made incredible breakthroughs in the conditions of MS

Comment by brian perpelitz on February 14, 2010 at 4:24pm
I am taking massage therapy and they want me to write a paper on a disease and how massage effects the disease, well I am doing MS. From all my research looks like massage can only work on making the MS person feel more relaxed and stress free, basically helping with the clients emontional well being, so I am going to talk about Shamans and how they believe that your thoughts affect everything, which is by the way my thinking also. I will put my shaman twist into the paper Im writing. I am glad to know that we that are practicing the shaman medicine can come out and talk about it cause it is my passion.
Comment by Ruth on February 14, 2010 at 4:07pm
I read somewhere on line, I think it was on the shamans portal website, that there was a call to people in North America who were learning and practicing the shaman's medicine path to come out and tell others they are doing so, and not keep it so private, so that there may be an opportunity for everyone to take up that path and hopefully help heal mother earth.

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