The Four Worlds International Institute

White-Bear's Comments

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At 9:53pm on April 16, 2010, Lynn Walker said…
in a moment of peace
I give thanks
to the source of all peace

as I set forth
into the day
the birds sing
with new voices
and I listen
with new eqrs
and give thanks

the flower called Angel's Trumpet
in the breeze
and I give thanks

my feet touch the grass
still wet with dew
and I give thanks
both to my mother earth
for sustaining my steps
and to the seas
cycling once gain
to bring forth new life

the dew drops
become jewelled
with the morning's sun-fire
and I give thanks

you can see forever
when the vision is clear
in this moment
each moment
I give thanks......Earth Prayer......and I give thanks for the warm welcome, much respect
At 11:02am on April 8, 2010, Grace Growing Medicine E. Reed said…
WhiteBear, Thank you for the warm welcome. Where is your upcoming PowWow? I don't drive anymore and would love to attend an event. Occasionally we have something here in Portland but I have been out of touch----my bad----(smiles) Keep in touch if you feel like it. Grace
At 10:03pm on April 7, 2010, DYC Starwalker said…
Wado for your warm welcome! Schoolwork has been keeping me pretty busy but I will check it all out as soon as I can. Peace, Starwalker
At 10:03am on April 6, 2010, Samantha Sansregret said…
Thank you for the welcome White Bear. I am so very grateful for that this community exists and that I can grow and live with spirit here. sam
At 9:19pm on March 24, 2010, Fritz Kuehn said…
White-Bear, thank you for your warm welcome. I apologize for taking so long to respond. My love for The Sacred Tree brings me here. Have just recently reconnected with Phil after some 20 years or so. It's good to come into this circle and meet so many others who walk this way. I look forward to the good that will come from our gathering here. Thank you again for your welcome. May you walk in beauty. - Fritz
At 12:41pm on March 2, 2010, Ilene DePoe said…
Thanks to the gracious greeting. It is my honor to be a member of a Secred Circle such as this. I am grateful for all the Creator has shown me. Never to late to add an additional Circle. Phil and I have advocated for survival and respect of all living things and Mother Earth. As I am new on this site, I have to research and learn. Blessings to you brother and happiness. Ilene (sis at the rez)
At 5:15am on February 28, 2010, karensd said…
At 5:15am on February 26, 2010, karensd said…

At 5:16am on February 25, 2010, karensd said…

At 7:13pm on February 23, 2010, White-Bear said…
Just so you know, that Hawk is always waiting for you. Just like walking the Red Road, when we stray it is a comfort to know that the road is out there waiting for us to return.
May you walk in beauty
Apache Elder
At 10:00am on February 23, 2010, Debbie Gladen said…
Wow!! What a beautiful welcome. Thank you. I hope to spend more time in my social networks. Lately, I have been focused on pulling together all the loose ends in my life. I live with my aged father, and he is quite demanding of me. He has a touch of dementia so I try not to let him get under my skin, but honestly, that is a big challenge for me. I am going to have my hip replacement surgery soon and my down time will give me a lot of time to work on my growth. I am an air sign Libra, and the Falcon Hawk used to take my to flight over all kinds of territory before I went to sleep. I haven't flown for a long time and would like it very much if he/she would come back to me. Many blessings! Debbie
At 7:25am on February 22, 2010, rose gave White-Bear a gift
Thank you, Brother Elder, for the open door of service. in respect of All My Relations rose
At 4:55am on February 20, 2010, karensd said…
At 6:08pm on February 19, 2010, gama said…
Thanx Mr Bear, but why you choose bear not an eagle maybe i can learn many
things from you God blesss....
At 7:49am on February 19, 2010, Cher B said…
hi WhiteBear :) ty for the welcome....and lol you're not "late" i run on Indian time ;)
have a wonderous day
At 6:18pm on February 17, 2010, Linda Radford said…
White Bear, thank you.
Many blessings to you,
Crystalizing Wind
At 5:04am on February 17, 2010, karensd said…

At 5:26am on February 16, 2010, karensd said…

At 7:23am on February 13, 2010, karensd said…

At 6:53am on February 12, 2010, karensd said…

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