The Four Worlds International Institute

Carol Petersen's Comments

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At 10:16am on April 8, 2010, Firewoman said…
I am sending you very positive energy...lots of love and plenty of hugs. I must deal with pain without medication every day as well. The prescriptions the western doctors put me on destroyed my stomach so it is sometimes unbearable not being able to eat and deal with the pain on a daily basis. You are not alone beloved sister...stand with the strength of our ancestors...those who came before us, those walking this life with us, and those yet to come. You are so brave and strong...I know you can heal through this. Hope and love, Firewoman
At 5:58am on April 8, 2010, Aurora Whitebird said…
Thank you for the kind welcome, I feel at home all ready!
My heart is full. aho,mitakuye Oyasin
At 6:56pm on April 4, 2010, monique spence said…
Thank u for ur kind words. I am content with the passing of my grandma! All I hope is that she steers me in the right direction when whence in a fog. At 3 months she became my mom as my real mother couldn't and I held her hand as she took her last breath. It was like slow motion. Anyways, have a remaining happy easter!
At 6:41am on April 4, 2010, Judiann said…
Dear Carol, It is nice to be here and view and listen to all that there is. My heart finds happiness and wonderment. Don't feel I have anything to contribute. But, maybe some day. Again, thank you and all. j
At 1:25pm on April 3, 2010, Sherry Buckner said…
Dear Friend Carol,
thank you for your warm welcome, it is felt in my heart and I am grateful. I look forward to being a part of the Four Worlds Community. I will take some time to learn more about all the work that has been done, to listen and hear the direction of the voices.

all blessings,
Sherry Buckner
At 9:05pm on March 24, 2010, Fritz Kuehn said…

Thank you for your welcome! Sorry to be so long in getting back to you. Love Sante Fe! Have a very dear friend who lives in Pojoaque. Haven't been there in way too long.

The Sacred Tree brings me here. Met Phil Lane 20 some years ago at a healing conference and have recently reconnected. Am now working with the Oneness Shawl to bring him to Dallas in April. Hoping to begin teaching from The Sacred Tree. Phil will speak about The Fourth Way while he's here.

Many circles are coming together and many reconnecting. Pleased to meet you. - Fritz
At 6:01pm on March 19, 2010, heinz said…
Hi Dear carol:
Thanks alot for your warm and lovely comment.
taking trip to all around the world and to know all people and coltures have been my wish all my life. although it's not possible for a 3rd world guy like me, but the NET has made this wish true. I like to know more about you and your country and absolutely your colture. By the way...How on earth do you know the word "en sha allah"?(that's not a persian word but an arabic...although it's comonly use in Iran)
thanks again and best wishes for you :-)
At 10:05am on March 12, 2010, Annette Shaw said…
Dear Carol
Thanks for welcoming me. I was invited to join by my friend Helen Peters. I am new to
this kind of website and am still trying to figure out how to navigate. I am not sure how much I can participate but I am happy to have a spirit connection with you all.
Many blessings, Annette Shaw
At 10:14pm on March 11, 2010, Dr. Kevin L. Keough gave Carol Petersen a gift
For the Medicine Woman.
At 5:12pm on March 11, 2010, Robert R. Davis said…
The Redtail Hawk is my animal sign, and I long to see many again soon. I am certain that I will as I begin to quiet my inner self.
At 5:07pm on March 11, 2010, Robert R. Davis said…
I live in Washington, DC and have been friends with Phil Lane and his daughter, Deloria, since 1996. I'll talk about how we met in an email i will send at a later date. I've been away too long because I have let too much noise over take over my consciousness. But, now I am back and I want to connect individuals who know and understand the Sacred Tree.
At 4:25pm on March 11, 2010, Robert R. Davis said…
Hello Carol! Welcome! We are connected by the Great Spirit As time goes forward, let's exchange thoughts. I check in to the site once a week-usually on the weekend.


Robert Redeagle Davis
At 11:27am on March 3, 2010, Thomas Sasquatch Spirit said…
No, I'm pretty sure we're a separate species that is bioligically compatible with them. I'm also pretty sure they were on this planet before humans and our egos took us away from the path they've lived for eons. Things will become clear on that in the days, weeks, months and years ahead
At 11:16am on March 3, 2010, Thomas Sasquatch Spirit said…
Oh yes, they're here. My family has 900 acres of woods down the road and I've seen them during the day a few times now, exchanged gifts with them and had some interesting experiences with this. That continues to increase as well.
At 11:15am on March 03, 2010, andrea gave Carol Petersen a gift
For you beautiful Cousin. Peace and Reconciliation
At 10:41am on March 3, 2010, Thomas Sasquatch Spirit said…
I was invited here by Greywolf. I have had and continue to have experiences with sasquatch. Other things continue to grow and expand around me everyday, such as seeing and hearing through the veils. My healing work with people continues to increase and become easier. Just very exciting things that fill everyday with adventure. 0-)
At 11:51am on March 02, 2010, Steven Humble -Wind in the Trees gave Carol Petersen a gift
Thankyou for all the wisdom and love you share. Wind in the trees
At 9:42pm on February 28, 2010, Barb Merrifield said…
Thank you for your kind invitation Carol. I am having difficulty adding friends that are current members. Could you provide me with a few tips about how to navigate or should I be inquiring elsewhere? I also tried to add a photo. Blessings, Barb
At 5:14am on February 28, 2010, karensd said…
At 6:45pm on February 27, 2010, andrea said…
Greetings Carol and Debbie and All,
I stumbled upon this site while trying to find the video "Stand by Me".
Stand by Mr. Peltier and Humanity 2010. A message received from Harvey Arden.
Happy I have stumbled this way.

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