The Four Worlds International Institute

John Francis's Comments

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At 2:42pm on June 30, 2013, Firewoman said…

Osiyo Little Man....It has been a while yes? I will working on bringing our radio show to fwii as well as sing some new songs for all my relatives....I love you all so loving and supportive relatives...Wado.

At 11:42am on February 25, 2013, Grace Growing Medicine E. Reed said…
John, thanks for the invite to become your friend. I read some of your blogs and love the messages in them. All we can do is share our light with others who are seeking a way out of the dark negativity in the world---I know I saw a hand reaching for me when I was crawling out of that dark place---Grace
At 10:46pm on January 06, 2012, Phil Lane Jr. gave John Francis a gift
Warm Love and Greetings For 2012! May it be your best ever!
At 2:11pm on June 13, 2011, Carol Petersen said…

Little Man

Delighted you have made friends with Starr Cross.  Life is amazing and there just is no distance when it comes to gifting each other with ribbons and making new relatives.

Walking in beauty


At 12:58pm on June 18, 2010, Billy Howell-Sinnard said…
Thanks for the honor of your friendship. The world is getting brighter.
At 4:21am on February 18, 2010, Mikka Barkman said…
Ah yes, Monsato. They make aspartame. It's even in wrigley's chewing gum now. It's in so many things! Stay away from it!
At 9:19pm on January 21, 2010, Russell F Cowgill gave John Francis a gift
I honor your friendship and welcome your presence in my house. Please freely speak your heart and I will do the same. In gratitude, Russ
At 9:08pm on January 14, 2010, Firewoman said…
You are most welcome...thank YOU for letting me know my posting made a difference to you today. Your profound joyful words have brightened my day more than you know. I love you too Little Man, I cried when I saw it and someday I would like to try something like that cool that would be huh? It is a joy and honor to walk with you on our destined path...choosing our scenery of love and light...hope and love, Firewoman
At 11:24pm on September 23, 2009, Tim Collins said…
Hi John,
Welcome to the Four Worlds Social Network. Please explore this ever growing site and share your wisdom, especially in the councils. There are many features and tools that encourage sharing, and I am a resource for helping use the tools for uploading documents and photos/videos. Jon Ramer, site administrator, is another great resource. Your page is yours to customize for sharing your background with the community. Thanks for joining and walk with a good step.

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Starting From Within, Working in a Circle, in a Sacred Manner, We Heal and Develop Ourselves, Our Relationships, and the World.


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