The Four Worlds International Institute

The True History Through Our Eyes Needs To Be Shared- Warren Petosky



Dear Relatives,

A good brother sent me a heartfelt message. With his permission, I am sharing his words and insights with you. He is an Elder and Veteran that has given his love and dedicated  service to the People for many generations. Extend your hand of friendship when you have a moment.

With Warm and Loving Greetings,

Brother Phil

From Warren Petoskey to You.

My great grandmother was so busy trying to be a local socialite that she would never recognize her Lakotah blood. The story I have heard is that a few people were saved by the Lakotah from a wagon train that had been attacked by another people. My great grandmother's relative married a Lakotah man and my great grandmother is one of her descendants. Because it was not talked about I do not know who my Lakotah relatives are. I will never forget the Lakotah Elder I first told this story to and he put his hand on my shoulder and welcomed me home.


The video TED made contains some inaccuracies. The number of Indigenous people occupying this Turtle Island was between 18 to 122 million in the year 1700. The other inaccuracy was that it was the Catholic Church which held a council in 1800 to determine whether we were human or animals. They decided we were not animals, but also decided that we were not human either. We were designated "wards" of the federal government with the idea that we were incapable of handling our own affairs and the federal government would do our necessary thinking for us.


We, as a people, continue to deal with a federal government and religious agencies who still support Manifest Destiny. Most are not aware that the federal government intended to create two reservations in the U.S. prior to the Civil War and instill conditions on those reservations none of us would survive from. I have always thought the Civil War occurred because the Creator was not going to allow us to be exterminated. Black Elk and Frank Fools Crow continue to teach us what we need to do.


It is useless to appeal to the federal courts or the decency we think the agents of the agency should represent. They are dishonest and dishonourable. There is a Creator who manifested Himself to our people in the western Nevadan desert and instructed us as to what to do. He is coming again and He is going to restore what has been taken. He cares of us. All we have to do is turn to Him for our protection and the provisions we need.


I will be 66 soon. I am also a citizen of the Waganakising Odawak Nation. I have done what the Elders told us to do. I have lived in the western world and learned all that I can and bring what I have learned back to our people. I will continue to do this until I walk on.

Warren Petosky


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Comment by Judiann on January 2, 2011 at 5:33am
Thank you kindly for sharing this.  He seems to have a lot of experience and wisdom.

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