The Four Worlds International Institute

Message To Mankind From Chief and Hopi Elder Chief Dan Evehema

Dear Beloved Relatives,

This is a very wise, loving and powerful spiritual message to all members of the Human Family.

We are now moving into the heart of the fulfillment of all the Sacred Promises and Prophecies of our Ancient Ones and the Spiritual Visionaries, Teachers, Elders and Messengers of all our Sacred Traditions. As this transformation process deepens this and other Messages of Encouragement and Guidance will be increasingly revealed, blessing and guiding our evey step, one moment at a time! It is a Good Day to Live!

Warm Love and Greetings,

Brother Phil Native American, Message from Chief Dan Evehema to Mankind

Views: 183


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Comment by Aurora Whitebird on June 13, 2010 at 1:55pm
Thankyou, I have shared with all I know, so the people may hear this, again.
Many blessings,
Comment by Judiann on June 13, 2010 at 12:46pm
Thank you
Comment by Billy Howell-Sinnard on June 13, 2010 at 12:45pm
My favorite part:
"It is known that our True White Brother, when he comes, will be all powerful and will wear a red cap or red cloak. He will be large in population, belong to no religion but his very own. He will bring with him the sacred stone tablets. With him there will be two great ones both very wise and powerful. One will have a symbol or sign of swastika which represents purity and is Female, a producer of life. The third one or the second one of the two helpers to our True White Brother will have a sign of a symbol of the sun. He, too, will be many people and very wise and powerful. We have in our sacred Kachina ceremonies a gourd rattle which is still in use today with these symbols of these powerful helpers of our True Brother.

It is also prophesied that if these three fail to fulfill their mission then the one from the west will come like a big storm. He will be many, in numbers and unmerciful. When he comes he will cover the land like the red ants and over take this land in one day. If the three helpers chosen by the Creator fulfill their sacred mission and even if there are only one, two or three of the true Hopi remaining holding fast to the last ancient teaching and instructions the Great Spirit, Massauu will appear before all and our would will be saved. The three will lay our a new life plan which leads to everlasting life and peace. The earth will become new as it was from the beginning. Flowers will bloom again, wild games will return to barren lands and there will be abundance of food for all. Those who are saved will share everything equally and they all will recognize Great Spirit and speak one language.

We are now faced with great problems, not only here but throughout the land. Ancient cultures are being annihilated. Our people's lands are being taken from them, leaving them no place to call their own. Why is this happening? It is happening because many have given up or manipulated their original spiritual teachings. The way of life which the Great Spirit has given to all its people of the world, whatever your original instructions are not being honored. It is because of this great sickness-called greed, which infects every land and country that simple people are losing what they have kept for thousands of years."
Comment by Firewoman on June 13, 2010 at 12:10pm
Wado for bringing this enlightening message to us beloved Dekshi. Hope and love, Firewoman
Comment by winyan luta on June 13, 2010 at 11:30am
Comment by Lynette Fiddler on June 13, 2010 at 11:11am
G'day Phil,

Did Dan Evehama not pass a few years ago? I thought I read this awhile back.


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