The Four Worlds International Institute

Robin Lee
  • Female
  • Lafayette, IN
  • United States
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Both of my parents had Native grandparents but never taught me about my Native heritage. Now as an adult I have been learning about our Native ways and walking the Red Road on my own.

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At 6:25pm on March 7, 2012, Douglas Ou-ee-ii-jay-ii Jack said…

Robin, RE: "Since when is race . . ." As you walk the red road, you are becoming more aware of sensory dimensions which have opened up for you.  While senses are common to all human beings, many senses are greatly diminished or even dormant in those who have completely institutionalized themselves, living, playing and working in boxes away from the fullness of life.  With white dominance prevalent still in so many government, industrial, educational institutions, so have 2-Dimensional lifeless perspectives dominated.  'Race' is just a symbol of multi-sensory, multi-dimensional thinking.  Those races who have not held positions of institutional dominance have had the privilege of keeping more of their senses and indeed increased 3-D neural organization have a form of 'integrated-qualifications'.  I believe you understand your own 'racial' question, for institutional managers who don't understand this integration and therefore keep their domaines filled with linear 2-D thinkers. There are people of all races who think in 3-D, but its culture is quite limited to those who are raised in such families and communities having more interaction and less linear media and institutional 'mind' control.


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