

Belton, MO

United States

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I follow the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers, and you are linked to them, so it seems like a place I can share more words of hope with my friends... thanks

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  • Judiann

    Didn't think I had anything to say either, but sometimes things come. But, mostly just put newsy items on blog, or add an occasional video. It's seems to be important at this time to be informed and to send prayers where they seem most needed. Sometimes not sure if putting the newsy stuff out there frightens folks too much though..... Not all appear to see that a beautiful new world has been born and is growing while this old one deteriorates....
    Perhaps it's hard for some to see the beauty that is here too?
  • Susan George

    Many thanks for your fabulous videos and the wonderful energy you bring to the community! Susan
  • Carol Petersen

    you are awesome!