Another Perspective

Native life as perceived from non-native lineage

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  • amy rigg

    i agree whole heartedly Rebekah Copas, Earth, Universe, Truth are MUCH MUCH stronger than any ol' puny feeble human culture ... Truth oozes from EarthMother and Air into us - I'm quite empathic and I surely can feel other humans, their joy or pain, also though I can feel Earth, I look & listen for what Universe is trying to impart to me so even though my genetics are eurocentric, if you will, my proximity to Earth here on Turtle Island in this incarnation is very powerful to my psyche and my life.  even as a little kid, watching old cowboy & indian movies with my dad i always wanted the indians to win.

  • Rebekah Copas

    My ancestry is predominantly European by majority, but predominantly indigenous of Australia by the patterns of my Spiritual Awakening, and whether or not we have indigenous ancestral inheritance of biology, is one of those questions folk were afraid to ask.  My parents say "no way", but my Grandmother said "only by marriage", and my Great Aunties used to say "we have to stay out of the sun so we don't go brown".  Traditional indigenous Australians, (the "full blood" mob who know me), don't think it makes as much difference as city blackfellas reckon, but out bush traditional men also simply look at my bone structure and the way I walk, and wonder why nobody in the city already acknowledged that there is ancestral inheritance.  Here in Australia folk have been too bent on competing for slim pickings of government resources for those who carry formal on paper indigenous identification, but in a way, I find myself glad that I didn't have to carry that, but instead, have had to prove myself among indigenous people, who are much darker than my pale skin, by how I conduct myself and adhere to socio-cultural concepts that are inherently indigenous.  First I had to own my white ancestors from far away, and find a way for this foreigner's ancestry I need voice who I am within, through the shell of, to comply with local acculturative experience, and then found I have many black folk closer to home who count me as family, with or without formal on paper acknowledgement.

  • amy rigg

    Skin color doesn't always prove one's ancestry, genetics are quirky, the white lady and black guy who had twins ... one was dark skin, one was light skin (of the twins) - i think the native wisdom in spiritual matters is very spot on, which is what draws me i think to that culture, also the fact i was born on this part of land (north america, USA) helps my influence.  My 13 y.o. son is supposedly WAY native via his paternal side, but there is no way to confirm this - I don't believe in gov't aid or 'having papers' - i've received gov't aid before, but if i can't get it, I don't care.  I'm surely not waiting on any gov't rep to verify and validate me, my past, or my survival hee hee just like i don't let a doctor control my health.  Me, my past, my survival, and my health are all on me.

    thanks for commenting Rebekah Copas