Toad medicine a water meditation .

Grandmother Toad is the keeper of the water She lets me know the earth is suffering she complains about the tumor under her belly .Who speaks but me who tells her tale me who lets the earth feel her
croaks .For her special vibration brings the water
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  • Linda Karmand

    All life is singing in the Verde now,spring came early to us this year........toad awaited his perfect moment to send his messge.........more have been added as the days pass and now we have a full chorus of baritone!! it is soooooo wonderful,of course the rain clouds all around , giving thanks are we for the moisture in the desert always.............yes we do........blessings ALL

  • Linda Karmand

    Please ask Toad for our monsoons,so many little one's are being burned out of their homes............the fires are all around us,here...........thank you,blessings to ALL

  • Linda Karmand

    Toads toads and more toads,put out a swimming pool and put some colorado river rocks,it brought little toad,he brought the thunder beings and more toads,a baby that was just born sat on the curb in the garden and he wasn't any bigger than my pinky nail,you could barely see him in the dim light before the Sun was rising.....we are so happy to say the toads are coming out a few more each day....More rain more blessed rain.................Linda