The Four Worlds International Institute

I would love to hear what other men are feeling in these times of great change. What are you doing to abide in the spiritual reality that exists above and beyond, yet coincident with this place.  What changes are you making to allow for this revolution in consciousness? I meditate twice and listen to the Reality Teachings of my Great Spiritual Master, Adi Da, each day, always moving my attention to my Guru's Blessed Feet. This keeps me always aware of the spiritual reality in all things. Otherwise, this place of changes is a terrible place of chaos and suffering!



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I live in a city. most of the people that I have contact with do not get me. They say I have gone loopy, even my twin brother. but it doesnt matter. I am starting to wake up. I am starting to see the connection of everything. It is getting hard to miss all the signs of our connection with everything. The old way that I was doesnt make any sense anymore. but sometimes I go back there out of habit I think, but I dont stay there long. Then I am back. knowing that spirit is in everything, and now even scientists are find this out. It is exciting. I have started doing more ceremonies to help me be ture self. I surrond myself with books that teach about spirit and our connection to all, I watch videos. Everyday I am evolving more into the person that I want to become. For me it is just trying my best, doing no harm, respecting all life, especially my own life, having fun with it and not beating myself if once in awhile I slip back to sleep for awhile, The sleeps are getting shorter and shorter.
Wow! Sounds right on. You are not loony! You are feeling the truth of connection so I am glad to have made that connection. Keep doing your thing and know that you are not alone in making these waking up changes. You are one of the sane ones in a world where humans have lost their way in things!

With love,


brian perpelitz said:
I live in a city. most of the people that I have contact with do not get me. They say I have gone loopy, even my twin brother. but it doesnt matter. I am starting to wake up. I am starting to see the connection of everything. It is getting hard to miss all the signs of our connection with everything. The old way that I was doesnt make any sense anymore. but sometimes I go back there out of habit I think, but I dont stay there long. Then I am back. knowing that spirit is in everything, and now even scientists are find this out. It is exciting. I have started doing more ceremonies to help me be ture self. I surrond myself with books that teach about spirit and our connection to all, I watch videos. Everyday I am evolving more into the person that I want to become. For me it is just trying my best, doing no harm, respecting all life, especially my own life, having fun with it and not beating myself if once in awhile I slip back to sleep for awhile, The sleeps are getting shorter and shorter.
I have been interested in this way for about 5 years now and every day I am feeling more connected. I dont have an elder to teach me.I read books, I go out in nature and listen for the teachings I`m going to a school in Calgary that teaches Shamanism from many cultures. right now it is the next best thing to having a teacher or elder guide my spiritual journey
Ya-t'-hay to all of you,

I hear many voices around me. All searching for the Red Road; it is and always has been at your feet. Red is not the color of your skin but the color of your heart. This road that we have chosen is a hard and sometimes lonely road. But, it is the road that we have chosen. The helpers, the teachers, the Elders, the medicine people are out there, silent just waiting for your recognition of them. When you recoginize them and approach them in the right way, they will begin to teach.

This Red Road is one that is tough to stay on. Do not despair if you stray from this road, it is always awaiting you to return, no one is perfect. We are always learning. We must be strong,

Do not glorifiy yourself or your undertaking. They will know you by your actions, not your words.

Remember this we are all humane beings.

May you walk in beauty
White-Bear-who sits with-Whispering Winds
Apache Elder
I have felt a shift in consciousness occurring for me for several years growing out of a debilitating illness which took me out of the everyday world I was used to. For a time I studied everything I could get my hands on about ancient wisdom from many cultures. I went inward looking for answers and found how spirit speaks to me. My life has changed in so many ways I hardly recognize it as a continuation of the old but there are sufficient reminders. I began to look for ways to actively shape my future. It has brought me peace and reminded me that I am creator of my own destiny and I am responsible for to the earth and my fellow beings.
Yes, I am following the red road if that is the Heart in your tradition. The Heart is Bright, all pervading and all surrounding light that I feel in the calm that exists beneath and beyond this place of chaos and changes. The One Voice is Silent but understandable to the Heart alone. Thank you for sharing Your Apache life with me. My own elder and teacher, Adi Da, will always have great respect for your people and all beings!


White-Bear said:
Ya-t'-hay to all of you,

I hear many voices around me. All searching for the Red Road; it is and always has been at your feet. Red is not the color of your skin but the color of your heart. This road that we have chosen is a hard and sometimes lonely road. But, it is the road that we have chosen. The helpers, the teachers, the Elders, the medicine people are out there, silent just waiting for your recognition of them. When you recoginize them and approach them in the right way, they will begin to teach.

This Red Road is one that is tough to stay on. Do not despair if you stray from this road, it is always awaiting you to return, no one is perfect. We are always learning. We must be strong,

Do not glorifiy yourself or your undertaking. They will know you by your actions, not your words.

Remember this we are all humane beings.

May you walk in beauty
White-Bear-who sits with-Whispering Winds
Apache Elder
Stay with your Beloved and with the heart reality that you are...Please read the "Green Gorilla" by Adi Da and published by the Dawn Horse Press and "Green for Life" by Victoria Boutenko as part of your healing regimen. Both of these books are full of great wisdom on healing the body as we live in harmony with all around.


brad Two Hearts said:
What a great question! I choose to live in harmony the best I can. I am discovering that my connection with animal people is very rewarding and heart-healing. I wonder and work with a man I consider a shaman to consider what is my purpose in this body. I have chronic illnesses and consider the possibility that I carry these so that others may suffer less. And that is a scary thing to consider because I am a humble man. As my teacher/shaman has taught me, the gift may be mine; the power surely is not.
Otherwise, perhaps I am given these illnesses to make me strong-- the daily regimen of self-care, monitoring and medication, rest, food restrictions-- is stringent. So that I am strong enough to serve the People with that strength once I heal or cure myself of these illnesses.
I find myself "disturbed" by the cacophony of life, the barking of tv commercials, the loudness and unconsciousness of many around me. And I often choose to participate in it myself. When I am in a calm atmosphere, in nature or in my house with my four-leggeds, I am at peace. To me, however, that's simply hiding from the truth.
So I work to bring my knowledge, my intuitive understandings of things, to others so that they may find their peace, too. I have been called to be a "Grandfather" [elder] although i am early in my 50s. My life has taught and brought me much of what others tell me is wisdom. It certainly is time for me to give-away.

to me, it's all about Spirit, that unseen Great Mystery that supports me [and I believe all of us], keeps us safe, brings the abundance of the Universe. I have been in a great transition of living space in the past several weeks. And I "lost" [more like forgot it] my connection to my Beloved, to Spirit, to Earth Mother. Over the weekend, I reclaimed it in a big way, and I sense more peace and connection within me.
I can't do this alone, I know that. I won't serve my calling if I attempt to take it on all by myself. I am glad to have the chance to join in here with other men on this path. I welcome the chance to learn from men who have lived this and are wllling to teach me. Blessings.
brad Two Hearts
Russell, may your healing be quick and full of Bright Light. Maybe you should also read the "Green Gorilla" by Adi Da and published by the Dawn Horse Press and "Green for Life" by Victoria Boutenko for great wisdom on healing the body. You migh also love the autobiography of my teacher, Adi Da....called :The Knee of Listening" published by the Dawn Horse Press.


Russell F Cowgill said:
I have felt a shift in consciousness occurring for me for several years growing out of a debilitating illness which took me out of the everyday world I was used to. For a time I studied everything I could get my hands on about ancient wisdom from many cultures. I went inward looking for answers and found how spirit speaks to me. My life has changed in so many ways I hardly recognize it as a continuation of the old but there are sufficient reminders. I began to look for ways to actively shape my future. It has brought me peace and reminded me that I am creator of my own destiny and I am responsible for to the earth and my fellow beings.
when a teacher arrives for you, you will know it for sure. Meantimes, may you be Blessed in your schooling in Calgary. I am a Canadian living close to the border to serve my 94 year old father who lives in BC.



brian perpelitz said:
I have been interested in this way for about 5 years now and every day I am feeling more connected. I dont have an elder to teach me.I read books, I go out in nature and listen for the teachings I`m going to a school in Calgary that teaches Shamanism from many cultures. right now it is the next best thing to having a teacher or elder guide my spiritual journey
Thank you for your words Brother White Bear. They resonate with me and help me to find my steps on the red road, hidden in the silence and in the tiny details lying as pebbles at my feet.
Thank you all my brothers, for your input. It is an honour and pleasure to be part of this unfolding circle.

White-Bear said:
Ya-t'-hay to all of you,
I hear many voices around me. All searching for the Red Road; it is and always has been at your feet. Red is not the color of your skin but the color of your heart. This road that we have chosen is a hard and sometimes lonely road. But, it is the road that we have chosen. The helpers, the teachers, the Elders, the medicine people are out there, silent just waiting for your recognition of them. When you recoginize them and approach them in the right way, they will begin to teach.
This Red Road is one that is tough to stay on. Do not despair if you stray from this road, it is always awaiting you to return, no one is perfect. We are always learning. We must be strong,

Do not glorifiy yourself or your undertaking. They will know you by your actions, not your words.

Remember this we are all humane beings.

May you walk in beauty
White-Bear-who sits with-Whispering Winds
Apache Elder
they say we are not suppose to do things alone anymore. that we are suppose to start connecting to each other. The time of doing your work alone is going, WE are not to be seperated any longer. just saying.

brad Two Hearts said:
gratitude and blessings, Brother John, for the book recommendations. I will look into those as soon as possible.
love and magick
Two Hearts

John Bent said:
Stay with your Beloved and with the heart reality that you are...Please read the "Green Gorilla" by Adi Da and published by the Dawn Horse Press and "Green for Life" by Victoria Boutenko as part of your healing regimen. Both of these books are full of great wisdom on healing the body as we live in harmony with all around.


brad Two Hearts said:
What a great question! I choose to live in harmony the best I can. I am discovering that my connection with animal people is very rewarding and heart-healing. I wonder and work with a man I consider a shaman to consider what is my purpose in this body. I have chronic illnesses and consider the possibility that I carry these so that others may suffer less. And that is a scary thing to consider because I am a humble man. As my teacher/shaman has taught me, the gift may be mine; the power surely is not.
Otherwise, perhaps I am given these illnesses to make me strong-- the daily regimen of self-care, monitoring and medication, rest, food restrictions-- is stringent. So that I am strong enough to serve the People with that strength once I heal or cure myself of these illnesses.
I find myself "disturbed" by the cacophony of life, the barking of tv commercials, the loudness and unconsciousness of many around me. And I often choose to participate in it myself. When I am in a calm atmosphere, in nature or in my house with my four-leggeds, I am at peace. To me, however, that's simply hiding from the truth.
So I work to bring my knowledge, my intuitive understandings of things, to others so that they may find their peace, too. I have been called to be a "Grandfather" [elder] although i am early in my 50s. My life has taught and brought me much of what others tell me is wisdom. It certainly is time for me to give-away.

to me, it's all about Spirit, that unseen Great Mystery that supports me [and I believe all of us], keeps us safe, brings the abundance of the Universe. I have been in a great transition of living space in the past several weeks. And I "lost" [more like forgot it] my connection to my Beloved, to Spirit, to Earth Mother. Over the weekend, I reclaimed it in a big way, and I sense more peace and connection within me.
I can't do this alone, I know that. I won't serve my calling if I attempt to take it on all by myself. I am glad to have the chance to join in here with other men on this path. I welcome the chance to learn from men who have lived this and are wllling to teach me. Blessings.
brad Two Hearts
Dear John,

Thank you for the reading recommendations ... I love to read. Thank you too for starting the Men's Lodge.


John Bent said:
Russell, may your healing be quick and full of Bright Light. Maybe you should also read the "Green Gorilla" by Adi Da and published by the Dawn Horse Press and "Green for Life" by Victoria Boutenko for great wisdom on healing the body. You migh also love the autobiography of my teacher, Adi Da....called :The Knee of Listening" published by the Dawn Horse Press.


Russell F Cowgill said:
I have felt a shift in consciousness occurring for me for several years growing out of a debilitating illness which took me out of the everyday world I was used to. For a time I studied everything I could get my hands on about ancient wisdom from many cultures. I went inward looking for answers and found how spirit speaks to me. My life has changed in so many ways I hardly recognize it as a continuation of the old but there are sufficient reminders. I began to look for ways to actively shape my future. It has brought me peace and reminded me that I am creator of my own destiny and I am responsible for to the earth and my fellow beings.


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