The Four Worlds International Institute


A new beginning starts with each new day
everything is balanced the Creator shows the way
Grandmother moon is only a reflection of our grandfather sun
sharing love and light of what is yet to come

The darkness brings balance for the light
the day is balanced with the night.
For every life that is taken, a life is replaced
New birth is all around, it is the Creators fate

Early morning brings quietness, and the beauty of the eastern rising sun
The afternoon is a time to work and gather, and some time for fun
Early evening brings the calmness, the sun setting in the west
Preparing us for the night time, a time of relaxation and a time to rest
Nighttime is peaceful, moonlight shining down its soothing raye
stars sending forth new energy for strength to face another day.

Every new season we witness the beauty of death and rebirth
Spring brings waters, nourishing the new seedlings deep within the turf
Summer brings sunshine, sending forth the light that is needed to grow
Autumn brings death as we watch the changing leaves falling slow
Winter brings snow, that brings a peaceful calm all around
a time of resting, without much activity or sound.

The birds sing in harmony, urging the grass to grow even all the trees
The water cleanses itself, we to have the ability to flow just as free
The animals do their part to help show us the way
Collecting up all they need, without expecting any pay.

Pay attention to all that life has to offer you
Balance can be found in everything you do
Time you spend in darkness is just as much time you spend in the light
rain will bring rainbows what a wonderful sight

People can be found all around you singing in harmony
whispering cleanse yourself and flow forever free
The Creator planned our routes long before we ever came to be
Discover connection with all things as far as the eye can see.

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