The Four Worlds International Institute

The Related Nature and Dynamics of the Physical and Spiritual Springtime

During this long promised time of global transformation, it is important to remember that in the world of nature, the Spring brings about not only the growth and awakening of new life, but also the destruction and removal of the old and dying; for the same sun, that makes the flowers to spring and the trees to bud, causes also the decay and disintegration of what is dead and useless; it loosens the ice and melts the snows of winter, and sets free the floods and the storms that cleanse and purify our Mother Earth.

So is it also with the spiritual world. The spiritual sunshine causes similar transformation and change. A spiritual process in which corruptions and imitations of the truth and outworn ideas and customs are discarded and destroyed, in which the ice and snow of prejudice and superstition, which accumulated during the season of winter, are melted and transformed, and energies long frozen and pent up are released to flood, renovate and revitalize the world of humanity.

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Comment by Karen RedHawk Dallett on January 17, 2011 at 12:07pm
Such guidance and knowledge coming through at the time of the year is received in full gratitude Chief. Thank you for this 'honing' of our remembering our instructions. Blessings to you for all of the lessons you bring forth as you encourage us to re-awaken the knowledge.
Comment by Cynthia Connell on January 16, 2011 at 7:20pm
Yippie, doesn't the idea of this make you feel like the embodiment of springtime?  It is so wonderful to look forward to the warmth of the spring sunshine, but we can't appreciate it if we fail to see the wisdom of the long dark of winter.  I grew up in a forest and I loved to see the mushrooms growing out of the dead fall of long winters past.  The decay was in itself beautiful, because you knew that the tree was creating life again!

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