Tribe of the Sacred Heart~A Pilgrimage to Peace and Freedom

We are all guardians of this planet, Mother Earth. She is our mother because she is the one nurturing us; she provides for us everything we need. What affects her affects us ALL. We are ALL responsible for maintaining her by keeping her clean and healthy, by learning how to walk upon her in a harmonious way. We are all one relation – Earth, plants, animals, humans, etc. -- one big family. We are all inter-connected through the web of of life. We must learn to respect and have balance between all walks of life and learn how to live in harmony with one another. The way we choose to walk through life today strongly affects the outcome of our children's future. This is our priority focus, " how to establish a solid foundation for our future generations". Our global family is in a critical state right now! We are way off balance! It is our responsibility to take action and do something about it. We have become extremely separated and have come close to completely forgetting our place as human beings on this planet, and it has now created an imbalance leading to a global sickness -- mentally, physically, and spiritually. We are all keepers of this planet; this is our job. Each one of us has a specific purpose to contribute to the growth of life. It is up to us to serve that purpose. Our ancestors knew this time would come, that is why they insisted on staying together and sticking to traditional ways. Without unity we have no strength, and without our traditional teachings we have nothing to govern us, no foundation to stand on, as these teachings are the laws of lifes cycle -- the laws that keep us balanced as a whole. These teachings are now scattered throughout our nations. We are coming together with open hearts and open minds to unite the wisdom and the teachings of our nations to uplift, restore, and replenish all that we can in our path. We come together to raise the awareness and consciousness of others. We come to help others become more sustainable and learn to live in a more harmonious way. We want to see our children have a solid foundation from which to grow from. We want to give people a purpose in life and the inspiration to help uplift others. We come together in a circle because everything within a circle becomes connected; all within becomes one. We come together as one free peaceful nation to uplift everything in our path. We will be traveling in a big circle around the Rocky Mountains in the U.S. connecting the First Nations. Our intentions are to travel from nation to nation to share the vision and open the doors for others to come join us on this pilgrimage, to unite our wisdom and our teachings together so that we can teach others how to live and walk through life in a more solid and harmonious way, how to walk in a more sacred way. At the same time we will be taking advantage of our streanghth in numbers and horses to contribute our energy freely to uplifting, restoring, and replenishing the communities and all others that are in need of our services. We intend on this being a very slow process, as we will be traveling together by any means necessary: horse, walking, bicycling, vehicle, etc. We will be traveling on back roads and National forest roads. We will stay together as a community as much as possible, although we may have to split up in groups if needed. We are dedicated to keeping this pilgrimage going till at least 2020. Decisions concerning the pilgrimage will be made by consensus. We will come together once a week and have a community talking circle to address anything necessary or to make any community decisions. We establish consensus by passing a stick or feather around the talking circle; the one with the stick/feather is the only one that speaks. Consensus can only be established once the stick/ feather has been passed all the way around the circle with silence. There will be no set travel plans. We will be deciding together on the next steps to take as we go. All are welcome to join us. Please, do not let a lack of funds hold you back from participating. We are all family, and together we will do great, contributions are always welcome though. We will consence on someone in the community to be in charge of, receiving, and holding onto donations for the community and our projects. If that person chooses to leave then we will pass the responsibility to someone else. You are welcome to come and go as you please, no one is obligated. We do strongly discourage drugs and alcohol. We see this event as a ceremonial event. We come to unite in a circle with the fire of Yellowstone in the center. Here we can set our own intentions for taking this journey. Please come join us around this sacred fire. Let us be drivin by the vibration of our heart beats. Lets play our music, sing our songs, tell our stories, and share our wisdom together. Life is just a dance -- let's learn how to dance together. Lets come together as one healing family and share with the world what we have forgotten. Lets come together to learn and educate, as well as restore and replenish these sacred lands called Turtle Island. Together we can create a healing vibration that will ripple out across the lands. Together we can create Harmony and Balance!.
We will be uniting on the flathead reservation in Montana, the salish - kootenai nation, around March 21st, 2016. If you would like to meet up with us at any point and join us please either E mail us at or you can pm me on face book, Wolf Skillicorn. Much love to you family! ❤️